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/b/ - Siberia

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File: 1725595650269.png ( 331.92 KB , 680x380 , ClipboardImage.png )


Material explanation for the rise in transgender mass shooters?


There's more diversity in the way people are, more labels and identities, so naturally shooter demographics become more diverse too.

Also it could be a thing where it's blown out of proportion due to media/online reporting that shapes perception.


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autists are prone to social contagion like transgenderism or incelism. It's easy to see how there's a rise in incel and troon shootings when it's mostly autists who perpetrate these types of attacks on the working class.


As an autist, I can wholeheartedly agree. Alot of our radical politics nowadays are populated by autists or autist-like folks.
Ans theyre not all male


Killing autistic people is a eugenical stance and therefor not leftist


nobody suggested that.
But I dont think its wise to allow autistics to breed.


Having long hair isn't the same as being trans, dumbass.

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