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Talk about universal values and a value system that defies time and space, transcends nation and class, and applies to all humanity.
Discuss Western freedom, democracy, and that human rights are universal and eternal.


I used to be a communist like you, but when Bernie lost, ushering in the dark police terror state years of the Trump era, I learned from articles from the DSA, CPUSA and People's World and I realized voting blue no matter who is one of the most revolutionary things you can do. To do so demonstrates solidarity and harm reduction for sexual, ethnic, religious minorities.


I used to be communist but then I got blackpilled and like men and women and dating and sex and relationships, most people aren't communists and it's over so why even be communist? Genuinely curious


why would people be communist when they can just keep going while things go the way they go and maybe vote sometimes?


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>I got blackpilled and like men
Holy based gayanon


liberalism isnt fascism because liberalism enshrines rights and individualism and fascism doesnt


Liberalism = fascism. At least in its current state. At least in US and Canada the explicitly liberal governments are aiding and abetting a literal genocide, and are imperialistically expanding NATO eastward.

To be a liberal is to be an idealist without regard for the material reality of the world, and not caring about the present nature of liberal governments. Instead liberals try to think of idealistic ways the world should function and expect it to move in that direction.


Nice bait


>To be a liberal is to be an idealist without regard for the material reality of the world
How is that different to being a communist?


Libs expect world to change to be some ideal version they cooked up in their head. Communists scientifically study how the world actually is changing by using history and dialectical materialism.

lol that second title may as well say >why you should be a smug little liberal


>Libs expect world to change to be some ideal version they cooked up in their head.
What is the new soviet man?

>Communists scientifically study how the world actually is changing by using history and dialectical materialism.

And what does your scientific story of history from 1917 to 1991 tell you about the reality of communism?


liberalism is an ideal precisely because it is an imaginary object. true "classical liberals" like mises are much more honest on this, with concepts like "praxeology" (the transcendental critique of an ethics which preconditions freedom).
mises for example thought that dictatorship was acceptable if it fought communism (which is why he supported fascism in the 20s). this is also hoppe's idea of a "private law society" which is based on voluntary liberty, besides that which threatens liberty (like communism). thus, "freedom isnt free" as the addage goes.
so if political freedom isnt free, then the category of freedom is lost to its contradiction.
so freedom must be the freedom of something other than itself. this is why kant sees freedom in necessity for example, like moral duty.


>And what does your scientific story of history from 1917 to 1991 tell you about the reality of communism?
There are countless Ws for communism in that period from lifting countless masses out of poverty, giving people healthcare, education, and housing, to winning WWII and sending man into space.

I'd say the biggest takeaway for me is just how much western society fucks it's people and how desperately it needs a communist revolution.


those are just reddit talking points ultimately. any neoliberal can claim the same about muh capitalism and le graph going up.


Where on reddit are they singing the praises of communism?


and the larger point about reddit is that it debases things down to a vulgar quantitative analysis, which is liberal, utilitarian thinking.


Well yeah that's all economics is, you could say that about anything

>the larger point about physics is that it debases things down to a vulgar quantitative analysis, which is liberal, utilitarian thinking.


>thats all economics is
not really imo
macroeconomics maybe


french revolution is still the most based event in history


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>lifting countless masses out of poverty
>giving people healthcare, education, and housing,
Not before starving millions and millions of them to death in the 20s and 30s. Not to mention former soviet colonies in east europe are at least a generation behind their neighbors. It is an objective fact that they would have been significantly better off if they were on the other side of the iron curtain.

>winning WWII

With tons of free materiel supplied by capitalist nations. The only contribution communism made to the war effort was complete disregard for the lives of their own people which clogged up the german war machine with dead russian bodies.

>sending man into space

Only because they were researching better ways of deploying world ending weapons.

>I'd say the biggest takeaway for me is just how much western society fucks it's people and how desperately it needs a communist revolution.

Western society has it's flaws but it is nothing compared to the grinding poverty, starvation and genocides that have occurred in every single communist country. You are either extremely ignorant or extremely delusional.


>Not before starving millions and millions of them to death in the 20s and 30s
What are you talking about?

>With tons of free materiel supplied by capitalist nations.

Ah yes the famous western tank, the T-34.

>Only because they were researching better ways of deploying world ending weapons.

You are just coping at this point.

>Western society has it's flaws but it is nothing compared to the grinding poverty, starvation and genocides that have occurred in every single communist country.

You mean every capitalist country. You know like the ones funding a genocide right now. That's real and present.


>deploying world ending weapons
btw who was it again that used these weapons on people?


>What are you talking about?
The holodomor, the great leap forward, lenin's early farming reforms, the cambodian genocide for starters.

>Ah yes the famous western tank, the T-34.

Built with free steel delivered to archangel by capitalist nations.

>You mean every capitalist country.

We don't have starvation in capitalist countries we have the opposite problem, people getting fat from too much food.

We don't have poverty in capitalist countries you can literally be a NEET and not work and still have a higher standard of living than workers in other countries.

>You know like the ones funding a genocide right now.

Jews and Arabs killing each other on the other side of the world has nothing to do with capitalism. 50 million people dying in china because collectivized farming can't produce enough food has a lot to do with communism.


What do you leftists think of individual rights and civil protection?


>individual rights
practice was bad, while in theory it was good.


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>The holodomor
I can stop reading right there, stop trying to feed me Nazi propaganda (now CIA propaganda).
>Built with free steel delivered to archangel by capitalist nations.
Cope, the USSR had insane steel production output.
>We don't have starvation in capitalist countries
😂 you really have propaganda brainrot.

>We don't have poverty in capitalist countries


>Jews and Arabs killing each other on the other side of the world has nothing to do with capitalism.

Are you actually fucking stupid? Where are the bombs to do this coming from? Who's funding this? Why would capitalism want to keep colonizing territories?

How are you on this site if you don't even know what imperialism is? Seriously you're very ignorant about how the world works, you sound like you grew up very sheltered in a white middle class suburb.


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Latvia, a disappearing nation
January 5, 2018

Since it joined the EU, the country has lost one-fifth of its population.

To be sure, economic migration is not the only reason for the country’s declining population. The small Baltic republic’s comparatively low birth rate and high mortality rate are also contributing factors.

“Borders are open, information about life in other EU states is available and everyone is doing it. So, off our young people go to England or Ireland or Germany” — Aleksandr Rube, journalist


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So many to Germany, why?

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