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I think maintaining diverse range of phenotypes is good. Sure, there are races nobody wants or wants to be (you know which ones), but I do not want to live in a world without cute redheaded whites or busty ebony blacks.

FINALLY!!! someone in this exact thread have the same opinion as mine. if you can choose which race you want to be, NOBODY in their right mind would choose to be a subcontinental browns. fuck pakistan. fuck india. fuck bangladesh. fuck sri lanka.

everybody who are brown or live in a brow country care. which is half the world. hence why we should do a multigenerational breeding program for the entire world.

post your breeding program


Polyandry and much, much more breeding. I don't give a shit about racial qualities. If you really gave a shit, mixed race is hot as fuck, and by not encouraging depopulation, the "pure race" thing is less of an issue. Eugenics was about breeding humans as endangered dogs, to make them into a full slave race. Why would you ever want that?

Indians are perfectly intelligent and decent people genetically. It's Hinduism and the caste system that made them so rotten in the soul. Despite that, you can find plenty of successful and capable Indians. Caste systems and eugenics create such depravity, and eugenics was inspired by the EIC wanting to bring the caste system to the world. They've never had any other idea.


>I think maintaining diverse range of phenotypes is good.

I don't really have an opinion on that. As long as its clear that people get to choose freely who they fuck and spawn offspring with. Also no cast systems leadership roles will be based on merit alone.


>be based on merit


"many men" Take a guess, faggo


Every leftist i know, comes from a right wing family,. I think leftists should BREED, but i don't think this will have breeding program.


>be born
>parents fuck you up
>unable to grow into an independent adult due to fuck up
>society demands you pull yourself by your bootsraps
what the fuck is this


take that bitch. yeahhh the mods spoke. go fuck urself hoe ass uygha


Get rid of earth tone skin colors.
Use the rainbow for skin color.

Make everyone look like manga characters


yet another slightly altered copy paste thread to make fun of the original thread from ORG

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