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post serious dating advice about older women

I would rather have my sexual experiences be with someone around much older.


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Hags sound like emotional vampires. I guarantee they will cheat on you and blame you for the satisfaction of your reactions. Then they'll play the victim and suck in sympathy from everyone.


it depends.

I avoid people thirty to sixty for relationships.
Most people in tgat age group overestimate their own maturity


>Most people in tgat age group overestimate their own maturity
I encountered 30s, 40s acting like teenagers


How the fuck?


thats because people in their thirties and forties are secondary adolescents.

The way they dress, talk, and behave.
People say thirty is the start of true adulthood but I beg to differ.


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It is quite disturbing. just want a serious relationship


nobody knows how to sustain one.

Society sells relationships as a consumer service for adults.

Notice how age obsessed people are in dating?
"Teen love is shallow" yet wveryone over 18 seems to desire relationships as some trophy to show off to peoppe.

Adult love seems more concerned with playing God


If you want a chance of finding your perfect someone, you need to eliminate the competition by encouraging them to go after roasties so you can keep the untainted for yourself. however you shouldn't be spreading it to anyone other than your close friends as it will pollute the pool of men looking for pure women.


>implying hos give a damn about their peers & don't always seek older fags to ride
>implying older hos dont suddenly try 2 fuck anyone, yonger fags included.
Bitch, are you still in preschool or smfn? Even 10 yo hos chase faggots from highschool what are you on about?


How to stop being attracted to moms and mombods?

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