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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
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You cannot simply buy the majority of women. Which should be a relief to some of you.

So yeah maybe 1 out 3 women are gold diggers or whores, but that means 2 out of 3 aernt.

In other words nice girls outnumber whores and gold diggers 2 to 1.

And no matter how much money exists, womens sex drive is really amazing at sniffing out good genes it's very primal. Looks actually matter to women way more than men think.




okay? then what



>but that means 2 out of 3 aernt.
Aren't yet. Learn how to productively control your sexuality sweetie, it's very liberating, I promise.


I wish this was really a femcel poster but we all know it's just a baiting wristcel with a humiliation fetish. Sage.


I'm not sure where you get this statistic it seems to me that any particular woman might at one point be compelled to be a gold digger dependant on circumstance like how much money were talking about and life events like financing college. in any case this needs to be zero though and dotp will get us there by smashing the face of the bourgeois leeches
post diameter faggo


>post diameter faggo
Cock or wrist? - not like there's much difference


>So yeah maybe 1 out 3 women are gold diggers or whores, but that means 2 out of 3 aernt.


Rapemaxx is the only way.


no rape


faggot talks like a faggot.

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