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/b/ - Siberia

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But you have to keep in mind I'm some antisocial chud. I don't mind being by myself, but that's most likely not your case. And if you adopt too rigid standards in circa 2024 there's a big chance that's going to happen.

My thoughts are that used goods are icky. The intimacy they shared with other men can't be shared, and they don't have anything they can give just to you to set you apart from the rest.

I'll say in the general terms, your instincts are right to see these as red flags. Dont let anyone gaslight you, how you feel is right and exists for a reason. All in all I say just bee yourself and follow your heart etc etc
nobodys perfect.

Anything else is delusion.


go find a boipussy.


notice that butthurt


>no diamond
at least we''ll we agree on that

diamond cartels are fucked anyway, industrial mass-production of carbon-lattice crystals has already begun, it won't be long and it'll be cheap enough to use diamonds as grit in sandpaper.


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It's just not worth for most guys, you'll constantly be compared her first or best experiences.




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the trope of a spouse cheating with their first exists for a reason
Video Example:


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Good point OP I feel the same way. If a guy has pulled his foreskin back before that's a dead giveaway that you're getting used damaged goods. If my husband doesn't have at least 4mm of smeg under the hood I'll know that he's ruined forever.


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Theres no need to panic - right???


My incel is probably showing but I'm not convinced a virgin woman above age 20 exists

And I'm being brutally generous with 20


incels are retarded and annoying waste of space


They do exist but you wouldnt know.

It depends on what ypu mean by incel.


Men do the same to women.
Imo, sex and romance are selfish.
Youre never appreciated as you are.
Youre only seen as scientific subject profiles.

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