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Marriage is absolutely nothing, it's just a word. Being married has no special power and is just an idea, so if the ideas ends up sounding stupid, the marriage will fail.

Knowing yourself: You have to know if you actually want to be married of will you suddenly switch goals and realize you would rather be doing something else.

Like: For people to like each other, they need the same general hobbies, cultural ideas, and so on in order to be "best friends" because if you aren't best friends with your wife you will grow to dislike each other.

People who are young are highly unlikely to be in control of their own minds to understand long term values and understand friendship. So, getting married is not smart.

Talking about "marriage" in generally shows a HIGH LEVEL of stupidity because it means the person believes "marriage" is some transformative experience but once you get married you will be the same people.

In order to have a successful marriage you have to know who you are and so does the woman. You also have to LIKE EACH OTHER in an enduring way or it will fail.

I think regular marriages are crazy, let alone this.


Love and life is overrated.


Marriage has legal implications where I live.


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Best of luck


>Marriage is absolutely nothing
Is property/capital not passed down through marriage anymore?


>People who are young are highly unlikely to be in control of their own minds to understand long term values and understand friendship. So, getting married is not smart.

Actually, history shows us the opposite.
How do young people not appreciate friemdships when most friemdships start out in childhood?

The reason why young people aremt suited for marriages now is because of cultural infanilisation.

But the rest of ypur post is correct. Marriagesonly work on pre requisite social experience.


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Fuck. Bros I don't wanna fall in love. Please. I don't wanna fall in love. I hate love


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>implying that people are permanent and unchanging
bruh any relationship is going to sublate you a bit dawg. trouble is this is bad news for "well matched" partners too because that status can and does change. Know who you are is idealist slop homes. You are you and you are really quite simple not some irreducible puzzle but a matrix of neurons


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Blackpill:People Don't Change


People do change.
But never for the better


The divorce rate fucks people so hard it doesn’t even matter.

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