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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
Tor Only

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File: 1721913179653.gif ( 1.6 MB , 500x500 , Torus-2261685617.gif )


All women are normies.


nice gif


Thanks anon.
dont ask women for advice on women


Men want comfort too.

Youre just butthurt that women arent hopping on your jock


that gif resemebles the spaceship used by ELO for their 1977 album Out Of The Blue


>males want comfort too.
>Youre just butthurt that women arent hopping on your jock
foid detected


go find a nice trooncel. you'll make each other very happy


you sound stressed


Why is your shading algo so unstable?


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>honey I'm home! my heckin coding job was hard today! I was having problems with my array loops! anyways, hehe, are you ready to make love to my boipussy?


Too bad.


All men are minorities.


Still has more love than you kek.


whats the difference between male and men?

Its the same definition.

Also, not a femoid. Im just saying..
Youre no differet than those SJW bitches whom whine about men "fat-shaming" women.


>Also, not a femoid. Im just saying..


pls b my gf


>n-no,u r

Imageboards coping with others disagreeing with them


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understand that women's hints are very subtle because they are (literally) pussies. oftentimes it's just consistent eye contact, which can be easy to misjudge. the more you catch her looking at you, the more likely it is she's into you. if she wasnt, she would still notice that you're looking at her but she wouldnt look back.


I used to go out to bars and women would randomly grind their asses on me and make fellatio gestures and I didn't know what they were trying to imply.


>Its the same definition.
Except the part where it isn't.
One is an animal social concept, the other is a biological definition within a model of organism sex.
Read a book, uyghur.


They're calling you a cocksucker and relieving their itchy butts on your gaystick. Scratching with your hand is very unhygienic.


And they both define the same thing anyway


Yeah apparently they just look at you. I have never, ever known this. But I have had a few women be more forward and it's always an ick for me (because they're really bad at picking up guys), I just wish I knew about the looking thing.

Basically for men unattractive women are seen as annoying. But women don't even see unattractive men, it's like they aren't there. So if you catch one actually looking at you, that's a green flag to go talk to her!


people refer to teens as adolescent or pubescents without much distinction.


When men choose to be single they are labeled lonely, but when women choose to be single they get called empowered.


this. Society wronfully uses women as the compass of male worth.

And by "women" I mean "young adult females."


The fuck are you on, man? All living creatures want comfort. I mean, there are some wackos out there who fuck themselves with cacti or chop off their balls on camera and shove needles through their eyelids or whatever, but for the most part if it's alive it wants to be full, sheltered, warm, and safe.



But theyre moralists.
Moralists do not like seeing others being happy.


>women want something besides what i want
>wtf how could they!!!!


File: 1726220577575.webm ( 2.6 MB , 720x720 , Drunk-Fem-1717263635640.webm )



Women get more rights and sympathy than children

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