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 No.154432[Last 50 Posts]

>fellow blacks and browns welcomed
>NOT a wignat thread
>NOT a /pol/ thread
>pro cattle-breeding whites
>pro bleaching latin america, africa, and MENA
>pro germanification of latin america, africa, and MENA
>pro skandi-ification of latin america, africa, and MENA
>manosphere friendly
>robot friendly
>special-need friendly
>autist of any collor welcome
if everybody just fucks people with rare phenotypes like white skin or red hair then the gene pool will include more of those recessive genes in it. Sure everybody says recessive genes never show up if you have brown kids but who cares? The genes are still present and will eventually show up again, next time probably with more genetic variation in the DNA sequences to make them less recessive or sum.


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are there any actual euros even worth having bleached babes with? been dealing with them since 4 ever

<alabaster annies

>fucking annoying
>whiny voices
>average-asf bodies IF youre "lucky"
>most are chubby post 20
>mid 20s look more like late 30s
>oddly crude in conversation

<cracker jacks

>have seen receding hairlines at +19
>fondness for gross out humor and do more gross shit
>lean hard into their "niche" and/or clique becoming literal stereotypes
>have little to no manners
>especially lacking discipline

>autistic about sun protection
>awfully petty
>little self control
>very clique-ish
>smile/laugh incessantly at shit that isnt even funny
>fake asf
>lack common courtesy
>they really think the sun shines out their asses

this is from the the united snakes btw

on a sidenote, fuckass asians are not too far off from this same bullshit so i will throw them into the same question are they worth the bleaching as well?


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also koreans are dipshits. fuckin wish north koreans would actually get off their asses and stop being a pussified rump state


Go back.


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anglo got angled then analed


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white pigo


Wow, a larp. How fruitful.

>6 hours between posts



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lulzy bleachie is getting preachy. piggy going wa wa wa
>discovers time does travel


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Holy Based Drew! My new hero!

The hoe even went full "it's not rape if you're hard" route

I guess it's not rape if your nipples get hard too lol


I don't know know what schizo shit is going on itt but I'm agreeing with this


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>I don't know know what based enlightenment is going on itt but I'm just a sissy sour cream scat bitch



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based low inhib black brother owning dem hoes


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is this shithole website completely unmoderated?


What do you want me to do move it?


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the white race has been redeemed


holy fuck dude I am in love, ngl.


>is this shithole website completely unmoderated?
Yes. I don't even know what OP is talking about, it's not even the interracial racebait you see bleach usually used for


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ogre mods are getting desperate


Alot of the times the shit posted here is so skitzo I can't even tell if it needs to be deleted so I just leave it.


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I swear, schools are moe draconian than workplaces.

Schools will suspend you for any edgy harmless joke.
And I dont mean sexist or ravist jokes either.

Anyone whom thinks school is the bst time of ones life in terms of recreation is a fucking idiot whom whins about adulting


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best comments incoming
>no butt
>dressing like a whore in public
>Yeah, no thanks.
>that's a man
>unironically being sexually attracted to i am a faggot
>no ass no hope
>I'll take a thick black or latina bitch any day


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I WILL make the world 99.9% into german-blondes german-blue-eyed snow whites who are always 10/10 no mater the sex/gender. so much so that every blacks and browns will inevitably be assimilated. At the same time the world will be under going a communist transition. race-science and race bias in science will be eliminated. the world will be perfect.


That’s not how genetics works, retard


Oh yeah? Well guess what, that character was saved by a black haired Asian eyed Asian man. Now what, oiygha


staff should make this into banner


isnt this the 14 words but reworded?


I have a feeling that the only thing that will transition is OP


Light features are recessive you'll always have people with dark hair and eyes, white people are literally mutants.



reactionary, rectionary, reactionary, reactionary. all of you are reactionary for not wanting to produce more krauts. i will put you all whitey who disagree with the program into BBC re-education therapy until you all get mind broken.


i should write a manifesto about this tbh


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is this you


The world will be full of racially ambiguous people/mutts.




It's already happening


only way to overcome racism is designer genetic engineering or transhumanism


bourgeoise propaganda


stfu techbro


what if you do gene editing but it turns out you don't know gene editing well enough, so you damage some genes or something and now they're susceptible to diseases or something else going wrong


hence why we need to breed them NOW!!!!






Anon, this kind of shit right here is why you have no friends and no hoes. For your own sake please go outside and socialize.


You joke but this was actually tried in Paraguay during the 1800s and it worked incredibly well:
>In March 1814, Francia imposed a law that no Spaniard may intermarry with another Spaniard, and that they may only wed mestizos, Amerindians, or Africans. This was done to eliminate any socioeconomic disparities along racial lines, and also to end the predominantly criollo and peninsulare influence in Paraguay.

By mandating intermarriage between the whites and the natives, a united national identity was created that retains strong links to both indigenous and European cultures. The racial caste system which plagued ever other South American nation during the 19th century was nowhere near as prevalent in the country. Paraguay to this day is the only South American country where an indigenous language (Guarani) is spoken by most of the population.


*sigh* have you been talking to Shay?


I think maintaining diverse range of phenotypes is good. Sure, there are races nobody wants or wants to be (you know which ones), but I do not want to live in a world without cute redheaded whites or busty ebony blacks.


also fuck you


It's so funny that you can look back at the philosophies of people from back in this era and they're allowed to acknowledge basic realities like generational poverty and the oppressive political power of land ownership. Even if they got some shit wrong, at least they had a basic, realistic understanding of how the economy worked, and weren't constantly trying to obfuscate it by pretending that this stuff wasn't occurring & couldn't be checked.


with artificial insemination and we will ignore or erase things that got in our way like marriage and etc. artificial insemination because it can make 1 guy impregnate hundreds upon thousands of woman daily, without even meeting in person.


OP is copy pasting a thread from ORG and also the replies and remixing it. troll post.



>>pro cattle-breeding whites
Don't you 4get about my people's copyright on this shit.


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here is a vague picture of how the Natural Birthing Cloning and Breeding (NBOB) might proceed.
(I don't think it's important enough to post it in the main board)


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white supremacy simp

You know, white skin is fragile.
It ages terribly and is susceptible to cancer.


I don't make the rules, the default human being is already brown, this trend is likely to increase.


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Since this program is paired with socialist transition, where should we advertise this? where should we advertise this first ? i'm thinking Russia and Ukraine ethnic whites would be the ideal group to advertise this. I'm also thinking it would be excellent to adversite this to the Poles so they would stop being such a anticom or at the very least to curb the victim story users and their orgs. since their white a sheet you could very well advertise hardline marxist-communist politics as long as you are (very) loud in promoting the bleaching program. note that you must ALWAYS specify the NATURAL part so they wont be thinking about some human GMO & fake skin type things.


Mixed race of Asian and White: good
Mixed race of Asian and Black: bad


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>Mixed race of Asian and White: good


Shut the fuck up, normalfaggot. Your fucking existence is cringe.
Marxism is based on social evolution.
He was so based for killing these Stacies and Chads




used tampon seller


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I wish the Chinese would take over already and get rid of this nonsense.
>used tampon enjoyer


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He ruined his genes by not getting with Aryan Stacy tbh


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Asian women are superior to white women. Everyone knows this.


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>Asian women are superior to white women


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>acts like an adult
<put in the white woman category

Ummm, idk what to tell yoy

If white women acted like adults they wouldnt be so haggardly before their fifties.
If they acted like adults they wouldnt feel entitled to male assistance to fix gyno-genic problems


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You dun goofed


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>rope rightoid and reactoid to the gommie side
>absolutely destroy the idea of white nationalism and white supremacy and white ethnostate
>destroy the idea of nation and ethnostate in general
>gives euros a national and patriotic spirit because their continent will be re-cycled into special area for the future natural-breeding-cloning-and-birthing program
>same as above but for ethnic whites outside their place and white subdivisions in the anglosphere
>whites don't have to discriminate against blacks and dark-skinned people anymore
>everyone in the future will have harems of 10/10 white woman
>knowing that their special bodily feature can solve problem for dark-skinned people who can turn fair-skinned but absolutely abhorrent toward blacks. whites can channel their politics and believe into a greater-good cause.
>excuse to breakdown shitty third world tradition
>racism will end
>over production of 10/10 white blonde woman (and man) makes it so nobody have to worry about running out of one
>a good reason to keep and spread "whiteness"
>white woman are big, tall, and muscular there for their blood being spread means woman all over the world can have equality and freedom from men


I hate bumping
>also u sound like hitler
Share your tips on how sustain Phenotypic trait/Gene Expressions


another (maybe slightly edited) copy paste from ORG to clown on the original OP


OP here. ORG banned me for a month for saying truth


>another (maybe slightly edited) copy paste from ORG to clown on the original OP
Absolut nicht


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The bleach-breeding-program guy here. You folk should embrace my way of thinking. Recently my head have been emotional and my heart more resolute. I am now capable of being angry all the time, which in turn cause me to have firmness of purpose, or whatever native English speaker called it. Every time I see a White and Non-White couple, I become angry. Every time I see a mixed person, be it children's or adults, I become angry. Every time I see a White and Ethnic White couple. I become angry. Every time I see some Uzbek, Mongol, Chinese, and the likes, individual or in family, I become angry. Every time I see a pretty woman of my own kind and skin, I become angry. There is this one time where YouTube recommend me a short about a artist (celebrity) woman dating a really fair and really White guy, my reaction to it are anger, hate, and malice even. If anyone here who is reading this have already read my posts about the bleach breeding program, then you might understands what and why I felt the way I felt. Anyway, as for the reason why I am telling all of you this and why you folks need to think like me. It would be WAY easier to do revolutions, establish a regime, and convince the masses to do it IF we tell and indoctrinate workers, activist, civilians and and the likes about the bleach breeding program.

ORG banned me for posting this. They banned me after about 2-3 minutes of the thread being posted


uygha they banned you because you are racist as fuck, kek.


People of European descent looked better then people of African descent. Those people are also proud of their ancestry/blood. Unlike "Black" in the West who's proudness came from old trauma and dogshit politics. And "Asian" who are proud only because they are right bellow European descent in the look pyramid, and doesn't have to deal with dogshit woman of color spamming the word "HEY! DATS RAYCIST!". THIS IS REALITY AND IF NON OF YOU "materialist" THEN NONE OF YOU AND YOUR PROJECTS WILL EVER ACHIEVE ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




When i'm doing a revolution, i'm making a global law for my men to not kill and not harm those who are valuable of the future breeding program. This will give them enough spirit to absolutely eradicate enemies. since the rule have already been set, there is no need to be holding back, there is nothing to worry about anymore. TOTAL MURDER


Your aesthetic racism is showing


>aesthetic racism


And what do you achieve from your posting? The world is steadily becoming browner and more whites are opting not to have kids and dying of drug overdoses.


And again, your racism is mainly self induced hogwash.
So right back atya


stop disgracing Berserk with this racist bullshit


RRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! why can't you guys just admit that turning everyone into 10/10 White blondes is the solution!!!!!!!!!!!!


This is why imageboards deserve to be surveilled by glowoes.
the obnoxious irritating amusing shit you all say on here, using your autist card as an excuse knowing deep down youd get ypur asses handed to you for expressing a fraction of your online behavior in meatspace.


I have constant anger issues, i dont fight people, but i feel the want for violence all the time. I need to breath and keep my shit together to not start trembling from rage in front of other people. I keep imagining myself doing terrible things, but i know i will never do these things. I am at least somewhat responsible, and keep myself as distant as possible from other people. This anger issue is a weakness, a reactionary disease, that is not fundamented in class consciuness or logic. Is just individualism and frustration about everything.


Honestly most imageboard posters are neurotic man babies that will likely do nothing, glowies wouldn't care about this place.


Thats why they rage out in cyberspace and even then only in niche communities.

They dont even have alot of "alternative" tastes.


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I hate berserk


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>what basing your worldview on porn does to a mf


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After Golden Age*


Do these people not get bored? Only so much novelty and shock


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<Berserk fans


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>Only so much novelty and shock


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I am having oreos for breakfast tomorrow and there's literally nothing you can do about it.


glowies probably only come here for laughs.
They probably would put childblock on their WiFi services to prevent their children from becoming as pathetic as them.


That guy is wasting his genetics on an ugly ass gook instead of a High Tier Becky or Stacy. Over for his son.


>all of this race-cringed faggotry is unironically being drawn by & 4 actual shitskins with inherent inferiority fetish.
I fucking h8 uyghurs.

Yeah it's so bad 4 him bro, good 4 u 2 intervene on his part.

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