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File: 1718532019879-0.png ( 579.21 KB , 1280x1203 , sexd.png )

File: 1718532019879-1.png ( 798.1 KB , 1765x1660 , sexc.png )

File: 1718532019879-2.jpeg ( 135.92 KB , 1200x796 , BAAAAAAAAD.jpeg )

File: 1718532019879-3.jpg ( 71.29 KB , 640x439 , bad boys.jpg )

File: 1718532019879-4.jpg ( 167.28 KB , 962x617 , bad girls b4 october.jpg )



Ho-ree phuc.

Female use of sex toys (overcoming the natural limitations of one's quality of life by bettering the means of orgasm-induction)
Sex positions besides missionary (revolutionary rejection of religious dogmas on social relations)
Petplay (reproducing the inter-class social relations of class society)
Males dominating/females submitting (taking into account the actual material conditions of one's historical physiological existence & coming to terms with them)
Piercing/cutting (reproducing existential torture of the meaninglessness of life in class society)
Sadism (upholding revolutionary discipline) (the preference for it is practically unisex common commun W keep @ it)
Latex (upholding og revolutionary aesthetics) (only fems prefer it, fsr)
Asphyxiation/choking (reproducing the totality of hollowness of culture in class society)
Vore (socialism = no food (actually reproducing the class society power dynamics in alienation of power of an individual & the want to exchange one's ego to gain it back))
Lactation (planned economy poomps the productive forces so hard you gotta get creative with putting the surplus product to good use)
Sounding (getting ready for mandatory checkups under public healthcare, building the social responsibility one body part @ a time)

Group sex (radical return to traditional human nature) (males go really hard for it)
Females dominating, petting, futa (smashing the class-based society's most profitable gender relations by deliberately reversing them, one thrust @ a time) (females go really hard for it)
Monsters/aliens (building international & interspecies' solidarity, fully automated gay uyghur luxury outer space communism-style, Posadas would be proud)
Male use of sex toys, males submitting (denying the repressive behavioral cultural boundaries imposed on males by the unmarxist economist elites) (unsurprisingly (for anarcs), males support this more)
Heavy/light bondage (reproducing the restraints on life's activity by the inherent nature of the society of spectacle) (males prefer the harsher type)
Masochism (reproducing the general repression of an individual's active life expression by all kinds of interpersonal systems)
Humiliation (reproducing the repressing behavior of the societal system)
Spanking (reproducing the inherent repression of the family unit made up & culturally reinforced by the class society's nature)

Faggots (as in old evropean english):
Race play
Voyeurism, exhibitionism (I guess rightoids chose this cuz of it being fetishized public sex?)
Age play
24/7 power dynamics
Rape play
Creepy crawlies (tf?)
Anal sex
(I leave all that shit for you to define lmaokek)
(btw femlolberts (= troons) kinda enjoy a rapey submissive taking of it into the anal arsehole shitter butt, scribbling a note as a reminder rn)

personal notes:
our bitches are fucking insane we gotta employ them to people's c&b torture facilities pretty soon so get ready 2 pull their moral shells

So how sex-reactionary are you anon? Are you revolutionary enough? You are not a regressive individualistic petite bourgeois virgin, right?


>Females dominating, petting, futa (smashing the class-based society's most profitable gender relations by deliberately reversing them, one thrust @ a time) (females go really hard for it)
wtf is this true, anarchists???

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