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I'm literally Aizen.


>Think not of how the world is, but how the world should be
Anon, please realize that this is literally the definition of liberalism (one of them).

Marxism can actually be described as the negation of that: figure out and really accept reality for what it actually currently is.


thats not true. you sound like a fatalist blackpilled incel


It is though: imagining some other world and expecting the current world to change into that is idealism. You should study the world as it is and how we got here and draw conclusions from that.


but in life ive been told to do better and to be the change i want to see

should i just not care and accept the status quo? i dont wanna read evo psych science. i thought marxism was about making the world morally better


>marxism was about making the world morally better
It has nothing to do with morals, but you're right: it is about making the world better [for workers] and Marx mainly focus on very reality-grounded things like fundamental economics.

Yes we want workers to be liberated from exploitation, but without a deep understanding of the nature of that exploitation you might arrive at some solutions to the problem such as "voting for this or that candidate" or falling for identity politics that really serve to divide the working class.

I do think you need to think about how economics of the future can work, but that should be a logical conclusion to precisely identifying and criticism the present state of things.

I hope that makes sense. I do commend you for wanting to make the world better, I just don't want you to take an idealistic approach as you would unknowingly actually be serving the interests of the ruling class.


Then you understand that academia as the reparational device for potential proles is actually a bad idea?


Sorry what do you mean by
>the reparational device

I believe in free education for everyone but I suspect that's not what you're getting at here…


Male adulthood in a nutshell


This belief that higher education is the only ticket to salvation.
Academia is overmoralised as the social assignment for youth


Yes, sure, but we need to teach kids how to really think. And that's non trivial.

But I agree that we shouldn't put people like string theorists on a pedistal, even though we need some esoteric smart people in our society too, because inevitably their out of touch shit finds practical applications.

Look at the end of the day I want workers to control their own workplaces to the fullest extent. And also to exterminate the ruling class. Books alone won't get you there. A vivid imagination won't get you there. So you're right it is about work. Revolution is a massive project to undertake for the working class, as is building a communist society.


ghe problem is formal education doesnt really teach critical thinking.

People like to throw around the slogan about "we need schools to teach critical thinking" but time and time again, most adults when questioned about their academic skills are often blank/speechless.

Adults only see academia as a disciplinary tool, Only to keep kids in line.


>Books alone won't get you there. A vivid imagination won't get you there. So you're right it is about work.

This is the thing most postboomer adults dont understand nor like to hear.

Revolution cannot be about mere academic prowess. It needs industrial prowess.

Adults in general trap the youth in academia, using books and geometric compasses as their moral compass.

Boomers have fucked up their juniors with the overpromotion of college and safety devices so now Millennials are the biggest cucks, shoving their castrative idals down the throats of Gen Z and Alphas.


> It needs industrial prowess.
>so now Millennials are the biggest cucks
Also yes

And also historical materialism pretty much says that this is the result of boomer activity, so on a large level they are to blame for the fact that EVERY WESTERN COMMUNIST is a soyboy that no blue collar worker wants to be in the same room with.

If your org doesn't have tradesmen actively participating and driving discussions then it's not a real org.

Seriously we need a party of work men. The dainty men that label themselves marxist-lenninist-hegelian-lgbtqists and theory-craft all day have exhausted their potential to contribute at this point.


There arent any communist parties in North America or Western Europe.
At best theyre collectivist-liberals.

>The dainty men that label themselves marxist-lenninist-hegelian-lgbtqists and theory-craft all day have exhausted their potential to contribute at this point.

Most organistaion leaders arent genderqueer/dainty men.
Theyre just cishet males in sharp suits.

The genderqueer folks are just token minorities.

The biggest problem is that anti-trade sentiment isnt just a problem in the left but also the right.

The right claims to be anti-ivory tower but theyre just as lofty and averse to elbow grease.
And even if they have symoathy to trades they cannot help but politicise it into rags-to-riches.


whenever I mention the need for trades and vocational education for youth or afterschool jobs for teens, I get shut down as chauvinist.
They even accuseme of being a groomer.

The current society, both left and right, views youth as too precious for industrial participation.
Its part of the anti-precocious agenda to promote more security devices and nanmy state laws to further castrate the populace.


Just look at how the booj organizes. Their leadership is just the everyman of their class.


>The current society, both left and right, views youth as too precious for industrial participation.

The youth don't need to create labour output until they're qualified and motivated to do so, I don't know why you want them to.


See what I mean?
This is the kind of bullshit Im talking about.

"They dont need to work".

And how else are they gonna transitiin into adulthood without problems and relying on further parental influence?

The reason why the yputh arent motuvated or quakified to work is because adults refuse to allow it.
Uts all about the selfish impressiin of maintaining "youthful innocemce".

Again, society reduces youth to being schoolpets and nothing more, with no allowance for relationships or non-liberal opinions or personal crafts.


They can work on themselves, do training, read, hell they can even go get trained on real equipment, etc. But we as a society do not need to extract value from the labor of our children, that's retarded.


"They can work on themselves"

You aware that evrything costs money?
The amount of liability laws imposed on youth reduces their uselfulness.

Not every kid has a stable family to live off of. Theres nothing wrong with putting youth to work.
Also, teens arent kids like tiddlers are.

But ok, in that same vein, neither should women, disabled, nor elderly meed to work then.
Only allow strong abled bodied men to do all the work.

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