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The US military does have drones, jets, and tanks. But people forget that the US military has never won against an insurgent population. The vietnamese only had small arms, tunnels, and traps. The Iraq war was diffictult for the US military because Iraqi fighters could shoot at them and hide for a few seconds, ditch their gear, and emerge an unarmed civillian. The US government would also probably be less likely to carpet bomb and drop JDAMs on neighborhoods in their own country instead of being fine with all the civillians they killed in the Middle East that they just wrote off as "collateral Damage"


>But people forget that the US military has never won against an insurgent population
The Philippines? The Confederacy? Native Americans?


What do you have to say to this >>>/leftypol/481515 ?

In general you should check out that thread it's more or less discussing the same thing.


foreign backing facilitates an insurgent population
>What do you have to say to this >>>/leftypol/481515 ?
Geology is the study of pressure and time. Thats all it takes really… pressure… and time…

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