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/b/ - Siberia

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driver is clearly having a meltdown and they are banging on the car and making it worse


stressful clip


This is just how your average female SUV driver parks up


Typical white suburban entitlement


I hate Americans so fucking much I wish everyone in that video got gassed with Zyklon B.


That video was recorded in the United Kingdom though.


This is why I have a 9mm load3d eith hollow points. Wtf is the story behind this anyway?


Fucking based, carcunts should all fucking die of multiple strokeosis simply for xisting. Too bad this lost fag didn't run over any of these zombies tho.


OK retard


I hate the driver but im so glad she got away too lol
Fuck those control freaks trying to pretend that theyre in charge of whats going on

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