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/b/ - Siberia

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File: 1716036305512.webm ( 1.46 MB , 360x640 , liberalworldview.webm )


entertainment treats men as convenient punching bags.

Men are only seen as comedians. But as beauty figures? Thats considered pathological.

Look at the way parents treat their kids based on gender, especially fathers.

Boys are taked down to like a cartoon character.
Theyre even referred to as such.

Girls are worshipped.


lol these are the people running entire institutions and lobbying


Human beings are too dumb to live.


n-no, what about class consciousness and class struggle


>n-no, what about class consciousness and class struggle
isn't worth reproducing


but isn't communism about the production and reproduction of real life?


Minimising suffering is still worthwhile.


File: 1716047763693.png ( 74.72 KB , 586x587 , billions must die.png )

I'll enjoy killing fags like you on Лехин день


true that.

That lady in the OP vid is dumb as shit.
Its more likely to run into a rich white boomer who doesnt know about computers than a ghetto kid who doesnt.
And old white boomers are pretty knowledgebale about computers evn if theyre not as savvy as their juniors.


"Man is above the animals" is the biggest cope ever.


All the answers in this thread just wrong.

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