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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
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File: 1713204219014.jpg ( 98.11 KB , 512x512 , 34ab517055f74d6e3d8e2bb394….jpg )


For the job I want you need an associates at a minimum on top of five years of experience. Almost every job I’ve seen for IT help desk or technician want you to have a bachelors degree. WGU is $32k and four years. In my position, I would need a second job to pay off the debt in a timely matter. I’m almost 30 which is basically 1/3 through my lifespan.


Do you have your heart set on being an IT tech? I'm no expert and not in the industry myself, but the job market in compsci seems to be very saturated right now.


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It's pretty bad from what I've seen, a lot things are getting automated now.
With WGU, you could finish fairly quick depending on your experience, also transfer credits from places like Sophia and Study.com.


It's not viable.
Guns are cheaper. Friends are cheaper. Housing is expensive and living is illegal. Forget any of this bullshit and get to the point of fixing things; you're almost 30, I'm past 30, it does not get better unless you change what is going on. If you think you've lived long enough to know how this shit is, you're correct.


Fixing things? With what method?


this is why counselors whom promote college to young peoole should be executed

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