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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
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trade unions only hire people who were family members or close friends. They kept out outsiders. You had to know someone to get a good union job. Another thing too is how up and down the trades are. Plus they treat new guys like dirt.


Unions don't decide who to hire tho?


This literally sounds like what happened to me when I tried to look for a dogshit un-unionized service sector job from 2008-2013. And then the first place that even responded to my applications was a strip club, and then the first strip club to hire me was actively committing wage theft. And then I left that, eventually, and it took me another year of beating the pavement to get another job, a retail store where I worked 10 hour floor shifts and made $8 per hour, which at least was above the minimum wage here, but then they fired me at about 3 months so they wouldn't have to pay unemployment if I left.

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