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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
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Either abolish the student debt and I will go do blue collar work or I need some nepotism since no one will hire me with the degree and a 17 year gap on resume.


Based priest.


This is why I say that higher education should be privatised.
Its meant only for the rich and/or gifted.


Higher education is already privatized in the places with the biggest student debt problems. It was much less of an issue when there were more public community colleges.


Well yea but what I mean by privatised is that student loans should be abolished.
The only way a young person gets in college is through entrance exams.

Also, we need to stop promoting college. Trades should put back into general electives


>itt faggots discuss how the bourgs should reform their shit to keep cuckitalism running
Every single leftard should be executed.

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