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Western culture is built around promoting one type of suffering and avoiding another type
Westerners, being servile cattle, live to kneel at the feet of the bourgeoisie
The only reason a westoid lives is to be a wage slave, honestly they're barely even people
Westoids actively avoid the suffering of class struggle though
They avoid confronting the bosses
They avoid confrontation
They avoid solidarity

The only solution to the western postmodern subject is immense suffering, the sort of suffering that completely shatters your identity and the way you view the world, westerners need immense, immense pain and misery to reconnect with their humanity and become communist guerrillas


>western culture


Based and materialist.
>The analysis of capitalist accumulation ends, as Marx said in a letter to Engels: “In the class struggle as a finale in which is found the solution of the whole smear!” In the phase of accumulation where the further existence of the system is only based on the absolute pauperisation of the workers, the class struggle is transformed. From a struggle over wages, hours and working conditions or relief, it becomes, even as it fights for those things, a struggle for the overthrow of the capitalist system of production – a struggle for proletarian revolution.


>quoting a westoid
kill ursel


Grossman is a polish Jew who chose to live in the GDR than the west


>The only solution to the western postmodern subject is immense suffering, the sort of suffering that completely shatters your identity and the way you view the world, westerners need immense, immense pain and misery to reconnect with their humanity and become communist guerrillas

Man, I hate it, but honestly… maybe.
Like, uh… I don't know if I just saw the devil and that was what sprung me up or if it had something to do with never really having, like… very much job security for most of my life, any prospect of ever being able to afford a place of my own, etc. … but those things could have played a part. But I see a lot of people waking up anyhow, although it does also seem like an increasing amount of people who would have lived relatively comfortably 30-40 years ago have been absolutely ratfucked as of late.


Westerners build their culture around rogue pioneer-prophets.

They glorify confrontation as a virtue. They guilt-trip young people into idealism.

They always assume everyone outside their ethnoculture is out to get them

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