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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
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Just got a week long ban for posting something a janny didn't like. They said it was for "idpol," but it was in response to an idpol thread that they left up and is still up as of me posting this, albeit in an autosage. Couldn't be more flagrant.


1st of there are multiple threads about org already, such as on /b/ and /i/, check the catalog

/b/ - .ogre discussion general.
/b/ - liberalism on .ogre
/b/ - >Leftypol.org welcome threadSince orgfags (pic related) are coming over in droves, let's welcome them.<Hey guys. Leave your baggage, cat ears, and dilators at the door!
/b/ - Typical redditleftist/orgfag>'why are you focused on cultural issues anon. It's a porkie psyop to distract you from the important things'>Also has whole boards dedicated to video games and cartoonsWhy is the western'left' like this?Meanwhile in C
/b/ - Leftychan vs leftypol
/b/ - org hate
/b/ - Just got unbanned from ogre. Can't wait to not learn my lesson, get jannied again, and come back to this shithole.
/b/ - Wasn't my thread, but a thread on .ogres siberia was just locked because it pointed out that a lot of nazis are coming out as transgenders. Why?
/b/ - .ogre and leftceldom
/b/ - Why is this site so slow when this one is insanely better than .ogre?
/b/ - Why is .ogre so triggered by frogs and jaks
/b/ - It’s hilarious looking at ogre’s /meta/ and seeing their jannies straight up ignore their own user base for complaining about massive range bans that were undeserved. These anons know about .net, but they never migrate over to the better board. They remain
/b/ - Do you simp for petit-bourgeois e-thots with onlyfans like that one mod on .ogre?
/b/ - What is this site's frog policy
/i/ - leftypol.org psyop general
/i/ - /Leftypol L General/ITT we highlight the funniest and most pathetic moments from .ogre
/i/ - leftypol.org
/i/ - How do we get more users to leave org?

2nd you'll just gonna leave this place after your ban expires so fuck u


so fuck u


Okay, but this is the /b/ board. The actual dedicated shitposting board. Why bother about keeping it organized?

And who's to say I'll leave? I only just learned about this place.


Because this person also left after getting unbanned:
<Just got unbanned from ogre. Can't wait to not learn my lesson, get jannied again, and come back to this shithole.

Already found the themesong to you leaving:

But in case you stick around, hope you have a good time. Looking forward to your posts :)


To be honest, I don't really have a lesson to learn except don't accidentally step on the jannies' toes, which is a lesson I can't learn because anything could be stepping on their toes and the only way to figure out what those things are is to get banned.

To be honest, though, I don't know how much I even want to post in a place where I have to tiptoe around the jannies, so I'll probably just end up crossposting.


I got banned for "spam" after making a single post for the first time in weeks. I know the jannies there hate me but damn


That seems to be really common, actually.


That site is basically a blog now given how many threads the mods anchor or delete

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