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/b/ - Siberia

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File: 1712072145005.webm ( 5.92 MB , 1047x450 , Con Air.webm )


Don't you just hate it when you're planning to break up with a girl and her sister kills herself and her entire family and now you're stuck with her.


Yeah, great movie though.


actually happened to me but my ex gfs brother instead got into a shootout. he ended up in the er and had to get part of his colon removed but his recovery was good. just traumatic for the family. i guess i should be thankful that i didn't end up barbecued inside a pig or anything lol


this is my favorite, im a sick fuck


Isn't that the plot of that movie which femoids love about the mid girl and the swedish pagans?


I saw that film just so I could try to talk to female classmates about it. It didn't go so well.


yeah but it's smart because it shows how much women can be susceptible to malthusian fascism


it's Patrick Bateman for women


Yeah, that's the plot of Con-Air alright.

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