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/b/ - Siberia

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Having a dad to say "I love you son" would have been awesome growing up…




Fuck you dad


It's over


yeah my dad left me when I was young. Better off though since he was a drunk. met up with him again after highschool so that was cool got some stuff out of my system. could you meet up with your dad or is it impossible? if you can it helps


Fathers get too much leniency for neglecting parental duties.

And I dont mean refusing to feed and clothe your kids.
I mean in terms of bonding with your kids, helping them with schoolwork, teaching them basic technical skills, etc.

Yet reactionary groups wannna cry about "muh deep state" turning women and children against the father.
Alot of these pundits of "paternal rights" groups are often petit bourg boomers whom never invested in their wives and kids.

Actual good fathers whom are wrongfully fucked over by the system are neglected by "paternal rrghts" groups.

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