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Considering how much the left uses lasers, you guys/gals/others should study lasers. Instead of this "tee hed light mage" shit, you should actually study beam divergence, class, wavelength, output and input, as well as laser safety goggles. Most leftists just wave around eBay laser pointers, with NO FUCKING SAFETY GOGGLES ON. Like what the fuck.

Buy some 190-540nm OD6+ laser safety goggles, a 450nm CNC machining laser module and a 9800mAh 12V DC rechargeable lithium ion power pack. All leftists should be crowd funding the bulk acquisition of 190-540nm OD6+ laser safety goggles like they do their bail funds and food donations. Not even just that. Get NVGs and infrared lasers in the 800nm range. You can get the goggles from LaserPointerStore with a high powered laser pointer like a Sanwu Striker in 7W or you can et the goggles from Survival Lasers. As for CNC laser head modules, anything in your wavelength will do as long as it is under 100 watts, above 1 watt and can focus down to 0.1 mrad beam divergence (the tightest beam focus). You can get those on eBay. There are even more uses for high powered lasers.

Watch some styropyro and jlasersvideo videos to get some concepts in mind. Study lasers on laserpointerforums. Study the fuck out of lasers so you actually know what you are doing. Study laser safety goggles. I see leftists use a lot of red (650nm range, give or take) and green DPSS (500nm range via crystal attached to truly 800nm range IR laser) but also blue (450nm -/+). Get a seven watt blue 450nm laser, some 190-540nm goggles rated for an optical density of 6, crowdfund goggles and when you have to just use lasers. You can also stop cameras with lasers, start fires, blind, do area denial.


styropyro is actually fucking crazy, I would never try what he does, I'm too much of a pussy around electricity and lasers. You're right though it's worth studying but it doesn't look easy.


laser anon, didn't you kill your parents in Alaska or something?

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