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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
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society doesnt train the young into worldly affairs.
Yhe reason why people were able to have relationships back then was because kids were more autonomous and were given basic responsibilitoes like making their own lunches, babysitting, fixing the cars, etc.

Alot of successful relationships back then were high school sweethearts who then got married.

The problem with romance now us stranger danger amd helicopter parenting limiting social ability of the youth.

People have their forst loves in their mid-late twenties where people are already set in their ways.

most people arent able to have relationships


what about me, where's my forest love?


is this thread by that same retard that thinks we need to send children back to the mines


>Criticising the cultural infantilisation of young people = sending chikdren back to work in coal mines

Imageboards never cease to amase with their willful ignorance


yeah, whatever mr black lung


Thats what will happen with the gradual socioeconomic infantilisation


It's over, I've had sex but missed out important romantic experiences in my youth.
Just junglemaxx bro

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