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/b/ - Siberia

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File: 1709070227178.png ( 619.04 KB , 2323x1308 , nuclear.png )


The world is getting very hot lately.

I was wondering if it is possible that one of the great nuclear powers (USA, China, Russia and perhaps India) can win a nuclear war against its rivals (without being destroyed in the attempt).


The SU didn't launch the missiles when it was dismantled hopefully the world will be as lucky when the US collapses


It would be based if china's technology outpaces the west's by so much that they could safely annihilate the united states.

However the USA is still on top of the technology game for now, and they are ahead of everyone in terms of AI tech, so I'm not going to hold my breath for that.


File: 1709072810502.png ( 1.3 MB , 1920x1080 , collapses.png )

>US collapses


Which would still cause a global nuclear winter, you fucking retard.

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