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/b/ - Siberia

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>be pizza delivery driver

>7pm ish
>deliver pizza to this pretty nice house
>knock on door, hear dog barking
>man, mid 30s, opens door dog behind him barking at me
>that will be $16.37 sir
>gives me money
>getting change out
>dog bites me, makes me drop change
>give dog a little kick so it leaves me alone
>man lunges at me and grabs arm
>pull out P-3AT
>doesnt let go of arm
>shoot him 3 times in chest
>wife comes to hall and starts screaming and runs to phone
>shoot at her 3 times and hit her once in the back
>shes on the ground bleeding and screaming
>walk over and double tap her in head
>hit her once and dry fire second time cuz the P-3AT doesnt have a slide stop
>walk out
>dog finally shut the fuck up
>take pizza and throw it in a dumpster a couple of blocks from the store
>get back to store tell coworkers the blood is pizza sauce
>pretty good night after that, make like $40 in tips for a 5 hour shift
>pheonix, 2013
Point is, it happens, and you should just try to move on and not make the same mistakes.


Nice OP, feels like the next sigma edit film/series


>take pizza and throw it in a dumpster a couple of blocks from the store
don't waste food you faggot


What are the class positions of the owners of this nice house and the pizza delivery guy?


based 380 enjoyer

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