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>smoking on a crowded train
Why didn't New York City execute Castro?


This lools like the 1970s.

Tbh, everyone was vulgar and loose in the 1970s.
Women could legally drink amd smoke while pregnant.

People could drive home drunk and have police escort as caution and not get a charge.


>People could drive home drunk and have police escort as caution and not get a charge.
We must retvrn.



fuck drunk driving.
We need cops to issue DUIs
Alcoholism is taken too lightly.


they couldn't [spoiler] he's wearing a moral bullet proof vest[/spoiler]


Based as hell

Smoking bans and their consequences have been a disaster for the human race


Yea having to deal with burn marks on furniture amd the residue getting on your clothes is cool.
I smoke but I always do it outside.


less of an option when you live in the Midwest and it's -25


Oh yea fair point. Do ypu have at least a foyer or antechamber thats safe for smoking?


It's a filthy vice that ruins your own health and is inconsiderate to others. Under socialism we'll have no need for vices to take the pain away from everyday living.


Its a shame that cigars and booze are hailed as cool and good just because it doesnt involve electricity.


Nah, just open the windows

You forgot to mention that it's fun and makes you feel great


>drug addict coping


Fuck driving in general. I can board the subway absolutely hammered and get home safe, probably quicker than if I drove too.

You kind of need to not be disabled though, but if you can climb stairs and walk (or rollerblade or skateboard) from the station to your destination it's much faster than driving.

I wanna check out china and japans public transit systems one day, I think I would love it.


I've only seen japan a decade ago, it was fuckbusy in the city but a high speed train is cool as.

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