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/b/ - Siberia

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File: 1706529499089.png ( 783.84 KB , 2000x2000 , 1672470855860880 laincute.png )


Would you guys rather have a harem of men/mtfs who look exactly like women except on the genitals part or a harem of AFABs who look and sound like Hulk Hogan but with killer pussies


Wtf is AFAB?


Assigned F*male At Birth


Just say cis-women


They are not synoninymous.




Not all women who identify as cis were assigned female at birth.


>assigned female at birth
You can just say female.
No social construct or present-day medical procedure changes chromosomes. Sex is conveniently cut and dry, unlike gender and sexuality.
Yes, a man can be female. Have fun.


Hulk "Sheman" Hogan


that makes no fucking sense.

Cis is the birth setting.
Trans is the artificial


File: 1706662482615.jpeg ( 36.16 KB , 474x266 , harem.jpeg )

I would rather have a harem of anime girls.


if the masculine hunk-ladies in question look like these hotties, I would definitely smash

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