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File: 1706492078610.jpg ( 62.03 KB , 512x677 , 512px-Eminem_2021_Color_Co….jpg )


Why does sobriety make artists suck? Eminem was literally on to of the world and when he sobered up everything fucking changed and his career was all down hill. He started giving a shit what people thinks nd changing himself to fit that mold. There's numerous examples of this happening. Do drugs just make you don't give a fuck?


it's not sobriety that ruins artists, it's getting rich. before getting rich, the artists have a connection to the real world and have real struggles. after, their work becomes meaningless and empty.


I don't think he was all drugged out until he got famous. Just compare what he says about drugs in Drug Ballad to what he was on during and after Encore.


He was rapping about doing vikodin during the shady LP. He was famous by that point but he wasn't super fucking rich.


I mean that true to an extent, but, there's plenty of people who rap about being rich and make it sound good.
Most of the greatest artists of time were deff high and a lot of them fall off after sobriety, like I said.


Eminem is getting older.

He cannot keep doimg the same schtick like he did in 2002.

If sobriety makes musicians suck ass, then maybe theres something wromg with the artist themselves.

Alot of our great artists didnt need drugs to make good art. They already were creative.
"But muh psychedlics".

Psychedlics just amplify your subconscious.
If you dont have a creative bone in your body, psychedlics arent gonna make you ceeative.


>Alot of great musicians didn't need drugs to make goodmart.

Name them.


Frank Zappa
Jeff Lynne
Maurice White
Cliff Richards
Jim Seals



Especially in punk and hip-hop, poseurdom is from day one.

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