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/b/ - Siberia

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How different is contemporary /leftypol/ from its past iterations so to speak? Be it on back on 8ch or the splits in the past few years. Are people more or less retarded than back then?

(OP is AI-generated)


I think the current state of leftypol is the first time every that the chan elements and the reddit elements have ever been completely separate. Unfortunately the reddit fags have the most traffic, currently.


here's the tier list

post purge 8ch > pre purge 8ch > bunkerchan.xyz >bunkerchan.net > /leftpol/ > leftychan > leftypol.org > /leftcel/ > getchan > chapo fag house derivatives > reddit > RevLeft > Bat'ko youtube comments section in 2016


Fuck, I do miss bunkerchan, bros…


me too. it felt like we were finally back


This place isn't that bad. It's not bunker, but, slowly…..


it's dead but so is the ogre so I take solace in that. maybe one day people will talk about leftypol like they do RevLeft and it will be a launching point for the next community. I doubt it though; the anti-idpol left is dead and now everyone must pay tribute to the anti natalist, right deviationist, and holy troon

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