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/b/ - Siberia

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File: 1703508229733.jpg ( 123.67 KB , 1248x882 , de79d6a0c4eca3e9306981cedc….jpg )


Merry Goonmas leftychan!


Happy goonsmass fellow troons


Thanks gooners!


File: 1703651585387.png ( 986.11 KB , 2048x1920 , 1703363445489682.png )

Did you get anything nice for the holidays anon?


I spent xmas with close friends, got a nice tshirt, but we decided to not to do gifts this year because fuck consooming, and the focus was on food (which was really good) and booze (which was plentiful). Damn I should have taken pics, I baked various types of bread.

How about you?


I spent it alone because I am a loner with no family and no friends.
It's ok though, I have developed a resistance to the crushing darkness.


>I have developed a resistance to the crushing darkness.
How long did it take for you to develop this power?


Merry Christmas too!


2 Decades and a lot of heart break and let downs.

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