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Recently I began to hate old people. On social media I scroll past anyone that is over the age of 50. They talk so slow to say nothing at all. All of the old people in this country have hoarded wealth and stopped younger people from having access to money, and many have supported genocide abroad. I now ignore them completely.

Having picrel faces in gubberment simply enforces my opinion, they are old and they want us to die working for them.

I have a deep aversion to old faces when I look at them, it's like what they say even with a good message is wanting to harm me and other young people. Has anyone else had this experience lately?


You should have been aborted


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Based. All people over the age of 50 should be sent into "voluntary" exile in deep space Eskimo ice floes style. Just give em enough food to last a month or something.


Boomers are the worst, most spioled, narccistic, faggoty generation on the planet.
Like republicans in general are especially faggy. The reason term limmits on the executive branch exist today is because FDR won to many times and republicans are the time threw a bitch fit and so when trump was in office they wanted to abolish them.

Rules for thee but not for me it appears.
They're all nut cases.


Mentally disordered millennials are upset about something again




Had you been subject to the conditions they were, you would've turned out the same way. The conflict between boomer and milenial is not wasters vs savers, but who ought to be able to burn the resources for their pleasure. True mass moral improvement requires change to the way humans are at the most basic level- the biological, rather than change in conditions, which is the best we can do right now, and so always boils down to "No *I* want to use the resources for *My* happiness."

In life we build up heuristics and go more and more on autopilot. The brain is lazy. Old people aren't actually interacting with reality, they're repeating the same thing which worked best for their own interests in a different situation, since this one looks similar. There's a lot to learn from them talking about how they've lived, or how they'd game a theoretical out and why, but their chit chat and understanding of the world around them will always be shit.


cringe thread. Hating old people is hypocritical.

You all will be old one day.

If anything, its not so much old people as its the Boomers specifically or even just middle aged people.

Middle aged people are the real douchebags

Any adult, especially if theyre male, from thirty to seventy has a stick up their ass.

Theyre ones whom ironically whine the most about being "old."
People over 75 are less inclined to use their age as bitching rights.

The real truth of life is that adulthood is really all about prospect and exploitation.

The preaching about "honor,respect, disvipline" amd other moralitic buzzwords parents and teachers use on kids is just lip service.

Adults dont care about morals except to keep children in line and save their own parental legacy/estate.

Adults only care about morals as self-restrsint when their lives are brought to ruin.

The real reason why most people say childhood is better is because most people are deluded by the capitalist marketing of adulthood as Pleasure Island.

But when they realize that they cannot magically fullfill the adolescent desires just because theyre now of legal age, they throw up their white flag and mourn about their "loss."

Thats why Gen X and Millennials whine about adulting so much amd propose to increase the length of minorhood.

>In life we build up heuristics and go more and more on autopilot. The brain is lazy. Old people aren't actually interacting with reality, they're repeating the same thing which worked best for their own interests in a different situation, since this one looks similar. There's a lot to learn from them talking about how they've lived, or how they'd game a theoretical out and why, but their chit chat and understanding of the world around them will always be shit.

People always wanna deify the elderly just because of their age.
I believe in respecting ones elders but also to not overestimate their expertise.

Older doesnt always mean wiser.

And even if you did gain wisdom, its not always permanent.

Henxe why we say "Once an adult, twice a child."

But I would rather listen to elderly people than middle aged people.

Middle aged people tend to be patronizing. Especially since they wanna use their parental status as a means for entitlement.


Hating boomers is not "hating old people" old people do not equal "boomers"


>Middle aged people tend to be patronizing. Especially since they wanna use their parental status as a means for entitlement.

This is probably supply and demand. The elderly are less socially powerful, and thus more meek, the middle aged, still having some surviving friends, and thus demanding more ego boost from conversation.

>Adults dont care about morals except to keep children in line and save their own parental legacy/estate.

This contradicts them not caring about "honor, respect, discipline" since a legacy is not an immediate practical thing. The real truth is people care a little bit about higher values, and a greater bit about base desires, and we satisfy the base desires first. This is why people usually are hypocrites, but still return to these values at times. Were there no desire for it, the moralizing would never be useful in compelling others to our will.

>Older doesnt always mean wiser.

For sure. I once heard "you don't have 20 years experience, you have 1 year's experience 20 times" about a shitty employee. Same goes for people. You can live a life of learning, or one of folly. The good thing about the old is you can see how things worked out and guess better than the young, and the general principles which led to success usually hold true.

Also, I'd point out that 'cringe' might not be the best word to let live in your mind. It has encapsulated within it this stifling awareness of social acceptance which in my view makes it the picture of the thought terminating cliche. At least when we mark a thing as bad, we ought to aim to say why it hurts us, rather than "that's a painful thing," because the latter turns us into animals easily brought to the slaughter. Look at the lives of kiwifarmers for that.


>This contradicts them not caring about "honor, respect, discipline" since a legacy is not an immediate practical thing. The real truth is people care a little bit about higher values, and a greater bit about base desires, and we satisfy the base desires first. This is why people usually are hypocrites, but still return to these values at times. Were there no desire for it, the moralizing would never be useful in compelling others to our will.

If you read what I said you would find theres no contradiction.

Adults, especially men, use morals as a way to control children.

Morality is an overused disciplinary rod against children.

Adults would never want to use it on themselves even if they desparately need it.

Hell, it reflects in our laws how we treat adult misbevior vs juvenile misbehavior.

>Also, I'd point out that 'cringe' might not be the best word to let live in your mind. It has encapsulated within it this stifling awareness of social acceptance which in my view makes it the picture of the thought terminating cliche. At least when we mark a thing as bad, we ought to aim to say why it hurts us, rather than "that's a painful thing," because the latter turns us into animals easily brought to the slaughter. Look at the lives of kiwifarmers for that.

Yes youre right. Cringe is an overused buzzword for anything slightly discomforting. I think its projection of insecurity.

Its especially used aginst children within any sort of activity.

Cringe culture is especially very misopediac. Bullying kids for their innocence in making mistakes.

I think that its because weve brcome used to seeing online videos of epic stunts or choroegraphed indie performance art, so anything less than glamorous is immediately a letdown.


>This is probably supply and demand. The elderly are less socially powerful, and thus more meek, the middle aged, still having some surviving friends, and thus demanding more ego boost from conversation.

Theres a reason why Karens and Kevins are usually more middle aged than elderly.

Middle age is like the adolescence of the adult world.

Especially in men.

Middle aged people are the ones whom whine the most being old because their social/biological youth is in the beginning of fading and they cannot handle it.

That why tricenarians and quadregenarians (thirty-somethings and forty-somethings respectively) are extremely age sensitive.

They exaggerate values of age numbers as if though theyre racial castes.

They are the ones whom push the discourse about "grooming".

Theyre the ones whom whime the most about "kids these days" and will not stop talking about their generational culture.

People over sixty are less obsessive about generational cultures.


Yep, agreed. The question which comes to my mind is "why do you care about children being groomed?" It's not like most crusaders will benefit from these children's happy futures, and they admit this in their other behaviors, where they do not prioritize the next generation.

What concerns me is that, as we lose power over our world, we too will grasp onto anything which lets us feel we matter, and the only real cure is to maintain power in producing good things, which the cruelty of nature will slowly rob from us. I guess this is why you want lots of social mobility, so once we become useless, we at least won't be able to act on it, sad as it is.

>I think that its because weve brcome used to seeing online videos of epic stunts or choroegraphed indie performance art, so anything less than glamorous is immediately a letdown.

Very true! I used to laugh even just at fat people, and I still bristle at the psyop media messaging that being fat is good, but I now see that looking down on them is part of an attitude which makes me look down on myself for my own failures rather than looking to what can be done to build a better, more beautiful world.

It would be interesting if all performances required you to watch a sped up reel of all the training which went into it before the performance. Might lead to healthier attitudes, but would never sell. I guess the practical lesson is to try to make your own fun rather than being entertained by others, to teach yourself that it's work and failure which leads to good things, not just 'good people' who are talented in and of themselves.

I think the rightist 'consume product' redditors bordered on realizing this, but they fell into the (integral to rightism) trap of 'good people' who make and 'bad people' who consume, rather than the truth that we all deserve happiness, but getting it from others' performances can lead to the belief that it's something given by an external god, rather than made by man.


>It would be interesting if all performances required you to watch a sped up reel of all the training which went into it before the performance. Might lead to healthier attitudes, but would never sell.

We have time-lapse videos showing construction of model sets or dispkay sets or even bodybuilding. It just further excaberates the pressure/insecurity of performance.

> I guess the practical lesson is to try to make your own fun rather than being entertained by others, to teach yourself that it's work and failure which leads to good things, not just 'good people' who are talented in and of themselves.

Yea. But its easier said than done. Not everything can be perfected through trial amd error. In fact, I think this idealism of
"You can do anything if you put your mind to it"

is setting people up for disappointment.

Or maybe Im mistaking fun for hobby careers.

>I think the rightist 'consume product' redditors bordered on realizing this, but they fell into the (integral to rightism) trap of 'good people' who make and 'bad people' who consume, rather than the truth that we all deserve happiness, but getting it from others' performances can lead to the belief that it's something given by an external god, rather than made by man.

This. The hatred for the consumer as a role is dumb. Everything that exists is made to be consumed.

Plants are here to be consumed by animals or bacteria or mold to be nutrition. The metabolic wastes made by eating are then excreted out as compost.

Production amd consumption are intertwined.

Artists create for fans to consume.

The response is what artists crave.

All tgat talk by indie "anti-establishment" artists whom complain about "mass-appeal" are poseurs.
They want fame amd fortune like everyone else but they want it in a theatric badass way.

But thats exactly the same type of par of course that everybody expects.

Also, the belief of happiness as an external effect is why we have rampant depression.
The sex/romance aspect is especially telling of this.

People expect beauty and arousal to be from others rather than looking inwards towards themselves.

I esprcially am disappointed as to how women, especially young women, either cis or trans, are always givem the moral assignemnt of beauty.

Men are not expected to be beautiful. In fact male beauty is dismissed as anti-masculine or even narcisstic.


>Yep, agreed. The question which comes to my mind is "why do you care about children being groomed?" It's not like most crusaders will benefit from these children's happy futures, and they admit this in their other behaviors, where they do not prioritize the next generation.

Midlife crisis is a serious bitch. But the cause of midlife crisis, or more specifically the modern type of midlife crisis, is caused by the reckless romanticism of childhood innocence.
Most adults, especially those born after the early 1970s, dont have the romantic youthful misadventures that pop culture sells to us.

And alot of them also may have wilded out too much in ther youth so they impose their immaturity onto newer generations.

>What concerns me is that, as we lose power over our world, we too will grasp onto anything which lets us feel we matter, and the only real cure is to maintain power in producing good things, which the cruelty of nature will slowly rob from us. I guess this is why you want lots of social mobility, so once we become useless, we at least won't be able to act on it, sad as it is.

Millennials and Gen Z are already acting like this.

Nostalgia used to be a thing you hit at 45-50.

Then it started to be experienced at 35.

Nowadays people hit nostalgia at 15-25
Nostalgia is like puberty nowadays but most people never grow out of it.

I think our fear of aging is due to extended childhood.

Our society extended childhood from thirteen to twenty.

And we took kids out of the workforce and the outdoors and shove them into schools.

Childhood went from being an adult-in-training to being a caged pet.

People looked forward to getting old. Maybe not so much to get older but because they already fulfilled the milestones of human life.

People used start adulthood at 14.
Get married 12-18.
Already have a house of ther own by 18.

Already have a stable career with babies on the way by 21.

Nowasays, thanks to compulsory schooling, stranger danger, amd other liberal policies, 18-23 is now "too young" for marriage.

13-18 is "too young" for labor.

People are discouragung any precocious instincts of children.
Children whom reject the colorblind positivity fed to them are considered threatening to adults.

Why else are Millennials promoting "Disney Adult" culture?

Its about running away from adukthood because they already failed at it because they were socially poisoned by overbearing parents in childhood.




Since we habe thousands of posts talking about the cultural reactionaryism of the Baby Boomers, we need to talk about Millennial reactionaryism.

We went from bashing Gen Z to bashing Gen Alpha. We already have vieo essays talking about how Gen Alpha is gonna ruin society for growing up with iPads. Yet, it was millennials whom were the forst generation to fully adapt the Internet and brag about. Now theres new kods whom alsp adapted to it theyre butthurt about it.


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>hatred for the consumer as a role is dumb
t. capitalist industry enabler

>Everything that exists is made to be consumed

Everything that exists, does so only because it can exist, & that's it. There is no immanent, higher powers-planned way of your being. Life, or nature, is just a phenomenon, not a shitty god with some sacred (= unknownable) consciousness.
>Plants are here to be consumed
Plants are here because they can be here. The fact that there came to be other kinds of life representatives who eat these plants to prolong their own, sometimes more sophisticated being, is explained in the same way.

>Production amd consumption are intertwined

Nice point.
One small issue:
you live under an economic system that can only exist by growing its industries, & finding new aspects of human existence to industrialize so it could sell things which previously were done free of trade relations, so it can grow these same industries even more, so it could sell even more shit that, @ 1 point, becomes physically impossible for human population to consume, leading to crises of overproduction which lead to wars.

In other words, "a consumer" was made up by capitalists to convert human population into final nodes of their production lines, so their industries, for some time, could go on & even manage to keep growing even after their products have fully satiated the social demand in them. This is why bleeding edge cuckitalists have, industry-wide, dropped the word "customer" altogether, since a customer still has agency over themselves & has their own interests, & so after purchasing some commodities they want they instantly drop out of porkoid production line & possibly never even return for another batch of produced shit which has to be sold, time after time.
Naming yourself a "consumer" is one of the most deranged & degrading things 1 could possible do to themselves, since "consumers" are nothing more than living, potentially infinitely malleable intestines for commodities. Even the need for a mental stomach is too inefficient for this system of relations, leading to total degeneration of now industrialized private production of culture.

>Artists create for fans society to consume engage

>Men are not expected to be beautiful.

No, granpa. Dick swayers now have to be beautiful too since there is a market to be expanded unto another half of population.
& it's not like this notion was universal for the vast majority of time either.

>Nowadays people hit nostalgia at 15-25
More like @ 8, & back in my day I had it @ 4.

>Gen Alpha is gonna ruin society for growing up with iPads
Idpol retardation.
It's not this "Get Alpha" who made themselves the way they are but the leading class of society.


I hate oldies as well
They are self-important and stink
They are rightfully miserable bc theyre old so take it out on the young
In a more noble age we would slay them to make room for the people that matter


Wrong. Elderly people are more meek and humble. Its the middle aged whom are the biggest assholes.

The people whom are antagonzing the young arent octogenerains.

Its pentacenrians and sexagenerians amd even quadricenarians.
People thirty-five to seventy.


>Idpol retardation. It's not this "Get Alpha" who made themselves the way they are but the leading class of society.

I never said it was the fault of them. Im saying that millennials are blaming Gen Alpha for any alleged "downfall" of society.

>No, granpa. Dick swayers now have to be beautiful too since there is a market to be expanded unto another half of population. & it's not like this notion was universal for the vast majority of time either.

Yea youre right. However, whenever men do invest in cosmetic self-care, theyre pathologised.
Men are always assumed to be ugly but when theyre not, they get worse treatment.

Men expected to experience beauty from a woman.


>Hating old people is hypocritical.
>You all will be old one day.

Probably not anon, at this rate I'm going to end up on the news


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Why even bother with slaving for that system when you could, instead, neet yourself until your parents die and you receive their inheritances.
There is no such thing as "pulling yourself up by the bootstraps". Surviving in this system will always be a struggle. Upward mobility is dead, a gift for the rare few.
If you know you're destined for poverty for your entire life, why bother trying?


The real crux of capitalism is the belief of "rags to riches."

It isnt the low wages, long work-hoirs, or even high prices.

It's the false salvation of "if you work hard, you can have it made."

This is why hustler culture is so huge.
The left fails to understand the real reason of proletariat oppression.
They think that merely preaching about the promises of socialism will get people to follow them.

Humans created capitalism amd sustain with copium.


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From the top of my head I've seen my grandparents walking around naked when we go swimming, when we go to a sauna and, when I was too young to do it on my own, when I was getting bathed/washed. Sadly none have had funny tattoos, but I have asked them about moles on their skin and such so I don't think asking about tattoos is an unrealistic scenario.


uhh some of them, Im sure, are good people.

the phrase you're looking for is 'to each according to his abilities, and he shall have abundance'.

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