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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
Tor Only

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>tor browser is shitting its pants, not in the mood for clearnet
>lets look around I2P
We're going on an adventure!

>oh look there's a registry entry for leftypol.i2p

>open the site
>it is literally just the word 'Leave.'
>ok textboard.org has an eepsite
>try to post
>ok lets try nestchan
>but half the posts are shit-and-run English spammers anyway
>oh cool it has a /leftpol/ board
>basically just a couple of teen neo-nazi flood posts from april
>the entire imageboard hasn't has a post in two months
>try to post
>connection refused
>pretty sure this is an I2P-only imageboard by the way
>ok lets try the others
>all either:
>or single-feed russian boards with only 50 posts, mostly spam
>or russian imageboards which haven't had a post in 6 months anyway
>the only exceptions are a very slow garbage russian soy and pol board, or one run by a furry polfag who may or may not be russian.
>didnt even try to post, they're all boring beyond shit
>at least none had cp, those idiots stick to onions apparently


I always wonder why there are so many russian imageboards


bcs russkia is a censorshit riddled shithole, and some russkies can appreciate the inherent value of the freedom of information after centuries of repressions by various mouthbreathing retards

if you're expecting high pph in i2p then you better fuck off back to 4chan buddy

also there is plenty of cp, whole archives of it
imageboards usually have a dedicated section for cp


>if you're expecting high pph
I'm here, aren't I?
I'm at home on boards with three posts a week, shit's comfy.
There's a difference between that and having no posts site-wide in two months, and those few that exist are mostly spammers.
>imageboards usually have a dedicated section for cp
Well, it's either unlisted on those boards (I doubt it), or the boards that have them aren't in either of the address books I tried.
I don't doubt there are whole archives of it somewhere, but I didn't see any traces of it.


>There's a difference between that and having no posts site-wide in two months
dude you said russkie imageboards have no posts, when the main russkie i2p board is as active as this board

maybe you've stumbled on one of the dead hobby-project boards? there are even memes about this shit a-la "i wanna write an imageboard in matlab"

>Well, it's either unlisted on those boards (I doubt it), or the boards that have them aren't in either of the address books I tried.

the latter, they are usually threads with magnet links and thumbnail photos

boards in i2p have an interesting moderation mechanism - posts are never deleted, they are only hidden, and the lurkers can decide if they want to view hidden posts or not


I2Ps are not really known. Most people know Tor


>dude you said russkie imageboards have no posts
Quoting OP:
>>the entire imageboard hasn't has a post in two months
>>>or [remaining] russian imageboards which haven't had a post in 6 months anyway
When I say dead, I mean abandoned, no posts in literal months. The ones I talked about, the post rates are orders of magnitude slower than here. This thread alone is leagues faster than those entire websites.
>when the main russkie i2p board
Which one is that btw?

>maybe you've stumbled on one of the dead hobby-project boards?

Yeah, I'm sure most of them are. Even if not a coding project, just a hosting project, soon forgotten.


There was just one ib @ 2ch.ru for some time but then it was sold to somebody else & since then it's basically an FSB supervised honeypot ridden with kremlinbots who are given special access to the site.
Some fags tried to make their alternative imageboards ofc but in the end all of them fell into obscurity since normoids always prefer convenience over everything else.

btw FSB also hijacked the i2p project by making their own fork i2pd. They even advertised their own ficking crypto on that website ffs (https://gostco.in/).


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OP here, maybe I didn't say it out aloud but I was only looking down the directory for links that looked like imageboards (e.g. *chan, or known imageboard domain names)
Had a revisit and there are more which don't have obvious names, like nullnyan, which although russian appears active and decent quality at first glance. Which is interesting because there is a clearly-related clearnet site nullnyan.net which is a memorial to a dead imageboard. So it looks like it was resurrected and lives on in the darknet.


> amogus.i2p
This is the worst wikipedia page ive seen in my life


Based FSB fighting Java with C++


It makes me wonder if the jannies were so ass hurt by the split the preemptively took the .i2p leftypol domain


If only there were modern programming languages available at the time.
Seriously: Rust I2P. That would be great, too bad the only project I could find was pre-alpha vapor

Unique IPs: 8

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