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Rather than reehing about about 'socialism,' why don't burger leftists just stop supporting hawkish liberals?

With the money the US has given Ukraine in the last 2 years, it could have ended homelessness 3x.

This must be too straight forward for some to comprehend?

Or maybe transgender surgeries for 14 year olds is the most important issue for the western left?


County offices should have homeless people do community service or trained for utility maintenance in exchange for housing.

We also should have mandatory sterilization of faulty adults: homeless, criminals, neurodivergents, lame (born unable to walk), etc.


Ring ring
based dept speaking


Found the Ogreshit


>We also should have mandatory sterilization of faulty adults: homeless, criminals, neurodivergents, lame (born unable to walk), etc.
that shouldn't happen, but you should be not only sterilized, but killed.


>W…w…why don't you giuys stop supportng libs so that a much worse alternative can take over and your country can implode

The thread #999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999…


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man hands wrote this post. Sorry troon, paying for your cock chopping surgery isn't on the top of my to-do list move to Iran


>Man hands wrote this post

The soy incel virgin knows chad when he sees him.


>Removing degenerates/invalids from the gene pool is EVIL

Why do people feel so entitled to procreation?
Too mamy people marry amd have kids to feel a sense of power/relevancy and yet they dont even appreciate/respect their spouse or kids.

And to rop it off, alot pf adulta with mental/physical defects are encouraged to pass off their genes to spite the stigma of their defects.

And yet, theor resulting offapring turn out worse than them, end up with zero social life amd end up shooting up the schools or hiding away in their bedrooms forever, lweching off the state.


Irony is, Ogre is far more snowflakey than here.

I get banned alot for mentioning the infantilization of young adults.
Yet, its ok to spam the boars with coubtless threads about lacking sex and romance.

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