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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
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Does the left need more schizo energy like pic related?


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sounds like someone whose butthurt about not having an exciting romantic/social life in their teens amd twenties.

Again, all this obsession over yoith sexuality is a sign of arrested development.

Their idea of proper heterosexual romance is in "classic" entertainment.


>Pointing out the arrested development of millennial is a sign of arrested development

Makes sense


>that webm
u can just tell their egos are dying inside


>classic strawmanning.

Millennials are arrested development due to over parenting.

OP is making a comical theory that lack of "sex appeal" is making mill web nials retarded.

Again, its focused too much on sexual/romantic prowess.

And in fact, its become common for adults to whine about lack of convenient sex/romance. Like seriously. If we get offended by teens doing that, why is it ok for prime age adults to do the same thing?

Leftypol is infected with "TFW NO GF" threads.

And its mainly 20-35 year-old losers.

Unique IPs: 6

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