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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
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At this point, has he become part of the ruling class superstructure?


Has he ever not been?


Grifters gifting off of a public figure.


We now live on a grift based society. Where have you been?


You guys just sounds like a bunch of jealous coping faggots


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>has he become part of the ruling class superstructure?
If you go into a corporate bookstore and see an author with 50 books out on display then no he is not a threat to the establishment.


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Lol, this is such infantile logic.
This is like kids who cry and complain because their favorite extremely influential punk band (or sound cloud rapper) is "selling out to the man bro!!!" Everyone knows you can only be influential underground selling DIY cassette tapes on the cold city streets of Seattle WA.


If by "kids" you mean 20-35, then yes.

Also, the obsession with being "underground/alternative" is obnoxious.

Most punk is just the same ol sonic sludge.
Guitar distortion iwth piunding drums amd whining about toxic girls and white male angst.

The people whom criminalize rap and pop are the same peolle whom praise punk.

Punk seems to hate anything nice amd elegant. It thinks that being snarky and trying hard to "not give a fuck" is the way to go.

The only good things to come out of punk is new wave, alternative rock, ska punk, and dance-punk.


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>missing the point this hard.

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