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Apparently normie roasties on twinktok are red pilling each other thanks to a decades-old letter from Osama Based Laden.

The letter is a mishmash of standard anti-imperialism, milquetoast MLKJr-esque populism, and soft anti-Semitism by /pol/ standards

The letter talks about the media being used to manipulate people.

So in response to the recent viral nature of the letter, the Guardian (fake and ghey deep state swamp media) actually deleted it from their website.

Who would have thought that the liberal-leftoid state (and cultural) establishment acting as a garrison to finance capital would have lost the plot so spectacularly in 2023.

On one hand, a large section of Americans openly or secretly believe the last election was stolen by a hostile entrenched political bureaucracy and they're not wrong. On the other side, the far left is going out of bounds with Israel and now this.

Beyond the usual psyops, what can we expect in the future for Burgerstan?


>The letter is a mishmash of standard anti-imperialism, milquetoast MLKJr-esque populism, and soft anti-Semitism by /pol/ standards
The significance of the letter is that it explains exactly why arabs are fucked off with the american empire and it's not because they hate freedom or because allah wills it or whatever lines the state/corporate media has been feeding people for the passed 20 years.

>a large section of Americans openly or secretly believe the last election was stolen

And the other half believe the 2016 election was stolen.


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The difference is there's actual good evidence that the 2016 and 2020 presidential primaries was stolen. Conversely the evidence seems to suggest that, if anything, Trump was the greater beneficiary of election fraud in 2020 but he lost to Biden in a sufficient landslide that it wasn't enough to alter the final result of the election.


>exit polls
Excuse me sir, did you vote for loving civic minded democrats or racist republicans


>it's democracy when we win
>it's cheating when they win
Yes we know little NPC.


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>On one hand, a large section of Americans openly or secretly believe the last election was stolen by a hostile entrenched political bureaucracy and they're not wrong.


Them deleting it made me read it the Streisand effect will ensure that more people will, and hopefully some will get redpilled about the propaganda in their country.

Speaking of propaganda It's hilarious how badly Israel is doing it, the calendar they found in the hospital is just the most recent example. It could be that propaganda from America is just that much more sophisticated, but I think there is a chance that they are doing this on purpose:

Basically Israel going mask off with their intentions and lies might stir up a larger conflict for the US military to jump in on.


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>(xi) That which you are singled out for in the history of mankind, is that you have used your force to destroy mankind more than any other nation in history; not to defend principles and values, but to hasten to secure your interests and profits. You who dropped a nuclear bomb on Japan, even though Japan was ready to negotiate an end to the war. How many acts of oppression, tyranny and injustice have you carried out, O callers to freedom?
It seems Osama knew more about history than Christopher Nolan.


I personally chuckled at this part

>you brought them AIDS as a Satanic American Invention


>takes a letter from Osama bin Laden
>somehow makes it into an OP about Trumpists, and adds a claim that the "far left" is supporting Israel


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You are no longer allowed to search for "letter to americans" on tiktok

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