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Why is the left oblivious to the most obvious things, such as:

>Culture matters

>A shared sense of identity produces more stable and liveable societies
>Some cultures are (far) better than others
>Some people are (far) better than others
>The cause of every problem isn't 'capitalism'

Why doesn't the left have actual solutions to create better societies. Instead, it honestly appears like the left is simply maladjusted people who present misguided 'solutions.'

Why does the left promote things like open borders, support immigrants flooding into the country without limit, or decry anyone who opposes such a thing as 'racist?'

If leftist solutions work, places like Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, wouldn't be total shitholes.

Why does the left ignore that fact that beyond a superficial reference to Marxism and Communism, they have very little in common with successful Marxists that have power and develop strong societies and cultures in places such as China, which are effectively national socialists?

Is there an answer to anything of these questions beyond seething butthurt?

The only 'answer' that I can come up with is this:

<Useful Marxism has nothing in common with the left. The left is a degenerate deviation which has seized upon Marxism, and it is only when Marxism rejects leftist pretensions that it becomes a force for social improvement.


>Why doesn't the left have actual solutions to create better societies.
Welcome newfag! Have you tried reading any books about this?

If you like computers there's a book titled "Towards a New Socialism" which lays out a pretty nice framework for how to improve economics.

Or you can also go read about China's poverty alleviation and how they accomplished the project of lifting up half a billion people out of abject poverty, nothing close to that has ever been done in history.

>Why does the left promote things like open borders, support immigrants flooding into the country without limit, or decry anyone who opposes such a thing as 'racist?'

Liberals are basically fascists, and Democrats are an extreme right wing party, same as the Republicans. Leftists support not exploiting other countries and creating migrant crises in the first place.

Just because the media calls democrats leftists doesn't make it true. The same way that you can say all the things they do is "communism" but the reality is that capitalists are making the decisions and running your country into the ground (at least for regular people), so you would be hard-pressed to find a problem that can't be attributed to capitalism in america.

Understanding capitalism in depth is the key to realizing how a bunch of seemingly separate trends are actually connected, and if you learn to reason along class lines you will have a much more realistic view of the world, and the solutions to problems you might come up with will improve as well. I would suggest reading about the ideas of Karl Marx, at least try to understand LTV.


>Toward a new socialism
No one cares about Cockshitt. Tenured grifter that survives off the tit of public funds, yet is somehow also super duper insightful dissident. He need to spend more time researching the hyper advanced technology known as dental floss.
China lifted people out of poverty after Deng came to power and the leftists were wholesale purged from the CPC. Any achievement made in China prior to that (i.e., developing nukes) happened because those involved were spared from the influence of the Cultural Revolution.

>Nothing like that has ever been accomplished elsewhere

Lol, you actually believe this….
Passportless burgers are hilarious

>Liberals are basically fascists

>People who don't 100% agree with my slave morality fantasy are fascists

How did CHAZ work out? Were they 'basically fascists' too, anon?

>Leftists support not exploiting other countries and creating a migrant crisis in the first place…

Damn, then why do so many migrants come from places like Cuba and Venezuela, which have trade embargoes against them? Shouldn't restricting (capitalist) trade make places like Cuba or Venezuela an abundant paradise? Imperialists aren't draining away their surplus, after all. (Instead, you get bloated bureaucracies and administrative states squandering it all. Instead of the development of the MoP, you get development of the means of maintaining power lol)

This is one of the many logical holes of leftism.

Going back to OP, useful Marxism has nothing to do with the pretensions of western faggots who proudly call themselves leftists.

>Just because the media calls democrats leftists doesn't make it true. The same way that you can say all the things they do is "communism" but the reality is that capitalists are making the decisions and running your country into the ground (at least for regular people), so you would be hard-pressed to find a problem that can't be attributed to capitalism in america.

And yet, I can point to capitalist countries with low crime rates such as Singapore, Japan, Korea, Norway, etc. You can also find communities in the US which don't suffer from the same sort of problems. Usually they are in places like Maine and New Hampshire - places of a certain ethnic demographic quality.

Despite your evidence-free insistence, capitalism is not the independent variable which is leading to shithole conditions in places like Portland and San Francisco.

Liberals share the same fake and ghey idolatry around equality as the left. The entirety of the left - liberals included - is essentially descended from Rousseau's naive fetishization of equality and belief the humans are essentially good, and that they are essentially a blank slate that needs to regulated via a social contract in order to achieve some ghey and subjective utilitarian ideal.

>Understanding capitalism in depth is the key to realizing how a bunch of seemingly separate trends are actually connected, and if you learn to reason along class lines you will have a much more realistic view of the world, and the solutions to problems you might come up with will improve as well. I would suggest reading about the ideas of Karl Marx, at least try to understand LTV.

You assume I've never read Marx.

Sorry anon, having the same ideas for decades on end, having nothing to show for it, not accomplishing anything, and never changing your ideas…. These things are not virtues or a sign of high intelligence.

Actual Marxists (the one's that accomplished something in their lifetimes beyond getting tenured at a 'fascist university') are very clear about the issue of where knowledge comes from: practice.

Specifically, knowledge is the ability the consciously alter the conditions of something.

Without the ability to consciously alter something, it isn't actual knowledge.

It's fake and ghey intellectual preening and appeals to authority, as exhibited by your post.

'Understanding capitalism in depth' is worth less than shit, in the words of Mao, without a concomitant practice with tangible results.

This is why I can confidently say that leftism and Marxism have nothing in common.


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>Venezuela not so bad after all (compared to Chicago in the winter)
>checkmate rightoid


The only deeper cause of issues explainable by capitalism is that those issuse and capitalism itself are caused by anti-intellectualism. Solve the dillema of arguing pro-intellectualism and capitalism will melt immediately.


Fair enough.

But then it would make sense to study topics like psychology (esp behavior psychology) , systems 1 and 2 thinking, cognitive bias, and elements of human cognition, especially as it relates to behavior - not primarily leftist texts which typically dwell in between theory and exhortation.


>Culture matters
Japan and Germany have constitutional rights to organize labor unions. In addition to this labor reps must sit on boards and multi year plans that include input from labor must be written (No CEO's cooking the books or buying back stocks to pump stock prices for a quarter or two).
These constitutional rights were imposed on Japan during their surrender to the US Army after WWII to prevent the rise of fascism occurring again in the land of the rising sun.
Culture does matter, a culture of anti fascism .


Those were actually for appeasing the working class to ensure they didn't turn to communism.
Fascist networks and much of the fascist old guard was covertly supported dyring the cold war as anti-communist assets.


>Those were actually for appeasing the working class to ensure they didn't turn to communism.
No they weren't, fascism was able to thrive because of it's ability to hyperexploit workers. They didn't want Imperialist Japan to bootstrap itself. When Communist uprisings happened in Vietnam they were met with plain old violence. When the boom wants they can be quite materialist. The best capitalists are Marxists as they say.


*when the booj wants to


>"Why does the left…"

>describes liberal points


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