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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
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from: https://leftypol.org/siberia/res/460848.html#q466391

This reads like a steaming pile of copium.

Success in youth isnt some moral paradox.

If anything, it can be a good thing

Even if you succeed in youth you can still see how life can still suck. Alot of people who achieved fame and fortune by their own merit early in life still go through struggle.

Its always the people whom fucked up their youth that always say "yputh is wasted on the young" because they look at everyone else whom didnt fuck up as badly as them.

Society is trying to normalize the teens amd twentoes as throwaway years because of mediocre elders.

And these are the people whom will waste their riches on recreating adolescent vibes.


Leftypol.org should change its name to slavemoralitychan.org


M8, you're overusing "whom." Please reconsider.

RE: the rest, I'm indifferent.

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