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File: 1697397870500.jpg ( 518.04 KB , 1080x1610 , Screenshot_2023-10-16-02-1….jpg )


>Be lib
>In 2023
>See we when from no new wars
>Low inflation
>No border crisis
>No mass ecological accidents
>No crises that weren't fake and ghey world events (coof)
<To all this:
<Armed conflicts around the world, billions funneled to proxies
<Massive inflations
<Millions of young men pouring in through the southern border (Burger incels don't stand a chance)
<Trains falling off tracks n shiet
>But it's not the fault of the troon rights senile career politician we elected in 2020
>He has nothing to do with it
>It's Trump's fault



>politician we elected in 2020
Not quite. Politicians are just the hired workers of the ruling class, who are the rich that own all of the industry, all of the finance, and thereby control the planning of the economy. This planning they do in their own interests, not ours. Thus the ruling class deems it cheaper to blow up a rural town in ohio and it begets them more profits to start wars in the east. This is of course at your own expense.


fuck off libtard, old man biden is the ultimate accelerationist tier prez in our lifetime be grateful you dumb bitch


File: 1701517324958.jpg ( 582.05 KB , 1080x1821 , Screenshot_2023-12-02-18-0….jpg )

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