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Is pic related worth fighting ww3 over?


I may not dress like a mentally ill troon freak, but I'll fight till the bitter end for you to have the right to do so… Just don't try to go into the women's changing room of the Y.


See this makes sense. Why don't we base societal norms around things like chromosomes rather than arbitrary things like "gender?"


nobody is fighting over that. Thats an indignation honeypot conjured up by the right.


it's because gender in the layman's sense is the exact same as sex. it's liberal intelligentsia faggots that play metaphysical games and change the meaning of words


actually gender and sex are kinda different.


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No you disgusting faggot, sex means what troons think it means now and has meant that but it started to shift meaning to the verb more commonly. Gender replaced it because people didn't want to evoke the verb as much anymore. Now Klaus Schwab is convincing a legion of autistic obsessive faggots that gender means an imaginary feeling in your head and has conscripted them to push this definition on everyone else in a bid to sterile the population for the malthusian segment of the ruling class. Your retarded idealist 1955 definition will never be real just like your retarded idealist neo-classical economics.


Why do we have to define sex by the metrics you are seething over?


because before 2010 sex and gender were synonyms. now ngo's have gotten a hold of it and are trying to do a bourgeois cultural revolution in accordance with bourgeois overpopulation theory


>A long time ago this used to be this way but now it's a different way and that makes me mad!

Not how it works. Definitions of words are not based on "The old one" They are how people use them linguistically during this current point in time. All language is made up. Everything that cannot be measured is not objectively real. This includes gender and sex. You are just as bad as the idpol retard troons running around getting people fired over accidentally calling them the wrong pronouns. None of this is real. It's all just language used to fill in for something we don't totally understand. Like human chromosomes and what the actual "nature" of man is.


I bet you think hip-hop and rap are the same thing.

They can be and still are. Theres alot of words that most people assume are the same but are not.

this is true. Language is not static.
Certain words amd letters would change meaning over deacdes if not centuries.


You are obfuscating what is not only an idealist academic concept replacing a standard definition, but one that has been weaponized as part of a ruling class campaign. This isn't some organic slang difference this is almost like changing the meaning of dictatorship of the proletariat


I bet you think someone becomes a woman rather than being born as one



You literally cannot "replace" a definition. There is, literally, no standard definition. Futher more, no, I am pointing out that you and them are both massively spooked idealist retards on two sides of the same coin but you are too pea brained to understand me.
You also need to take your medication and return to the pits of pol.


then socialism is when the government does stuff. there's literally no standard definition. Bernie Sanders says he's a socialist so he is. just like the leaders of the union of soviet socialist republics, socialist federal republic of yugoslavia, and people's socialist republic of albania, and the members of the national socialist german worker's party


>because before 2010 sex and gender were synonyms. now ngo's have gotten a hold of it and are trying to do a bourgeois cultural revolution in accordance with bourgeois overpopulation theory
There is also a flat-earth aspect to gender theory. People with no skills and no status can suddenly become experts in a made up field with very little effort.


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No, retard, you don't understand. Words mean whatever we want them to mean not what YOU specifically want them to mean because you are a whinny little virgin piss baby.

People saying socialism means X or Y and debating over the validity of those definitions of those words is not the same as you seething daily about your gay and boring gender binaries because you are just a hateful pos fag.


>you are just a hateful pos fag
Just because somebody disagrees with you doesn't mean they hate you or are morally deficient. Try making better arguments.


>Ah yes just because I post sterotypical images of people that paint them in a negative light doesn't menan I hate them it simply means I disagree with them!

Kill yourself retard you aren't smart and you aren't clever. Veyr transparently a dumb bigot.


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>you're hateful
<posts swastika anime girl
just as I would suspect, troon. go die for azov


We are closer to being able manipulate chromosomal material.
So unrionically, your sarcastic comment may become sincere realism.


>anime is reactionary

Yet, right wing folks pathologise anime


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dilate nazi fag. Some troons are alright but all Nazis are troons and should hang.


>He doesn't know nanochan

Newfags please.


>erhm u don't know my troonychan lore?
yeah I don't faggo why don't you fuck off back to nanochan or lambda or whatever pedo honeypot you came from?


>Seething over being a newfags










Calling people newfags while fucking up basic formatting in your post does deserve ridicule. He is right though, a (dead) darknet imageboard called nanochan used this picture of Nano Shinonome with a photoshopped swastika on their front page.


Shut up newfags.


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>the troon can't cope with newGODS


>troon troon troon troon
When did the edgy left become so boring?


maybe you wouldn't get called a troon if you didn't defend their retardation. try doing something else retarded like citing adrian zenz; then I'll call you a uyghur.

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