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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
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File: 1691465730635.jpg ( 607.93 KB , 1080x1867 , Screenshot_2023-08-08-10-3….jpg )


Based Elon moment



Too bad he's full of shit. Maybe he takes up like 1 case from someone who's actually also rich.


All of that shit is just going to qanoner Eaglefucker1776 and groyped up shawty Jewsstolemyvirginity1488, and only if they're already notable right wing influencers. Like that program that pays you for posting, it only paid a select group of people he already liked and it was shit like Tim Pool and fucking Andrew Tate. And not the rightoids who post nonstop but criticize him like catturd.
Why are you falling for this


>Lives in their head


As of current year there's few people I despise more than those who either hate or love Memelon
Other than Grusch this is the biggest psyop since COVID




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>the only people who get in trouble for their politics is right-wingers
Funny isn't it.


If you aren't getting in trouble for your "leftist politics" you aren't doing politics or leftism. Alternatively you live in a socialist country.


It's not true.

Also, contrarianism against the "estabilishment" is completely retarded. You know what's against the estabilishment? You know what they don't want you to do? Here's a small list: eat dogshit, throw buckets of vomit at people, yelling at 3am, licking door handles, eating soil, drinking from the sewer. Go do those things! Do not follow the mainstream! Think with your head!

Do you see how fucking retarded that is? Right wingers say this shit because they just the aestethic of the rebellion, thye have and cannot understand substance.


Anti-establishment is aesthetic.
Punk is a farce.


Thisnfaggotmwas never cool and always considered a huge sellout and a poser in the punk scene. The only people who idolize this loser have never listened to real anarchist punk music like crass who were investigated several times by the authorities and propositioned by the KGB

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