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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
Tor Only

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File: 1689218943040.jpeg ( 19.76 KB , 455x643 , arno-breker-58b3ffd8-6b3c….jpeg )


Why is fascism so… homoerotic?


File: 1689224867000.webm ( 18.49 MB , 720x405 , homofascism.webm )

I don't know but it's not a meme.


hypermasculinity which is really just repressed faggotry


t. gender fluid fatso


File: 1689238483069-0.jpg ( 917.51 KB , 963x946 , 1622289288j942.jpg )

File: 1689238483069-1.png ( 5.61 MB , 2676x2024 , 1622289273950.png )

File: 1689238483069-2.jpg ( 79.02 KB , 601x635 , 1631420604725.jpg )

File: 1689238483069-3.mp4 ( 6.04 MB , 450x450 , 1625344312061.mp4 )

File: 1689238483069-4.png ( 236.58 KB , 519x352 , "18 naked brownshirts in t….png )

uyghur cope


>t. endocrine disruptor poisoned homo.


>You're fash and gay if you're masculine.
You were raised by a single mother weren't you?


File: 1689247060110.jpeg ( 19.21 KB , 474x189 , hesright.jpeg )



I think we can all agree that it starts with the daddy's cock.


File: 1689729163683.webm ( 3.77 MB , 1280x720 , homofascism 2.webm )

I don't know but that quality is probably where there are so many femboy nazi twinks man imagine bashing their heads in and blowing their backwalls out


Noh mane, imagine breeding the fascism out of their cuckitalistic sissy ass brains. We will build Goolags for them, and they will be happy!


Tell me youre an underachieved man with no political convictions before entering into imageboards without elling me you are


Nazis are faggots, everyone knows that. It's why Russians are homophobic.


Why do Nazis seem to like that Arno Breker piece in particular?

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