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On 4chan posters called each other faggots, which was often derogatory, but then at some point there were porn threads about 'sissy', "gifs that make you wanna suck dick", how did this happen? Anyone remember?


>Which were often derogatory

This is out right not true.


Someone saying "You're acting like a faggot" sounds like a negative statement to me.



As an oldfag, I can say "fag" was both an insult and a term of endearment. Pre-2010s 4chan was gleefully degenerate - that was the fucking point. Whether it was liking anime, having weird kinks, being into video games, being gay, etc. we all recognized that we were weirdos. /b/ was edgy and abrasive for the sake of it, it wasn't earnest bigots for the most part, and back then there was also an attempt to try to keep /b/ to its containment board, which 4chan eventually gave up on doing when it came to /pol/… for some reason.

Like fucking /y/ existed before /pol/ did, use your damn brain idiot.


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>edgy and abrasive for the sake of it, it wasn't earnest bigots
Explain what's the difference? This sounds like an excuse when they backtrack and say it was ironic.


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And as an old poster, what is your take on Swarm Front?


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If this is your attitude, then you might never get it.
It's not "backtracking," /b/ was rancid trolls back in the day, that was the point. A lot of them would half-assedly RP as arch-communists just as soon as they'd RP as Nazis because it offended people on the internet and being a bunch of horny dorks pretending to be the SS or NKVD seemed goofy. I was editing the racist Jew caricature into stuff in 2009 once or twice, and the reason I thought it was funny was because the idea that Jews control everything and are some sinister force behind everything is so retarded and overtly offensive that it seems comical. Back then the same people who would do this kind of thing would also harass Hal Turner and Ghost. When they posted racist shit themselves, they tended to focus on the most cartoonish, archaic bullshit around - not to give themselves away, but because it was funnier. They did it for the lulz.

The problem was that it left an opening for unironic racists to subvert it, but that didn't actually start succeeding until the 2010s with SWARMfront, which also benefitted a bit from an initial rightward shift among some which mostly just pertained to feminism. The most vocal chantard anti-feminist I knew in the early 2010s was a literal gay-leaning camboy, btw, so that gives you an idea of what the nature of the site actually was at that point. Even a lot of those people were turned off of 4chan once it was totally co-opted by boomer Nazis, and that's part of why you see way less activity on a lot of the non-/pol/ boards since the 2010s. The invasion of infographic-posting stormfags who the staff refused to do much about resulted in an exodus by a lot of the other users of the site.


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I mean, it's something that happened. That's pretty much all I can say. The first signs of it were when trolls who'd bleed over into the non-/b/ boards stopped being all "UYGHUR UYGHUR UYGHUR UYGHUR" and "FAGGOTS DESERVE DEATH" and started posting infographics, but I didn't actually know what was going on for sure until later… basically, it was weird enough that I took note of it, but I assumed it was still supposed to be some kind of trolling the first couple times. It's, you know, really creepy in retrospect - a lot of the tactics they were confirmed to be employing were there, like if you interacted with them they'd try to argue with you, in a way which was just very odd at that time if you weren't clued in to what was going on. It was a large enough site that it wouldn't have been surprising if a few unironic racists were around, but over time they'd bleed into every board trying to shame everybody else, working in teams to try to make themselves seem like a larger presence than they actually were… and in retrospect it was entirely in line with the stuff stormfront was doing at that time, but a lot of users didn't know about that… so some, especially newer ones who came when the site was still popular-and-rising, fell for it.

For an idea of what it looks like when dumbass gay chantards fall hard for retarded Nazi ops:
(tbf, he could have already been a racist, I forget when he joined /lgbt/, but /lgbt/ itself was a relatively late addition to the site…)


Why? That's your opinion bro.


We were literally like 16 years old back in the day you retarded stem fag zoomer. Jesus christ zoomers are retarded.


I remember in 2012 or 2013, I saw a thread about Panty & Stocking and someone said that Panty is what motivated to come out as trans. Everyone was fascinated, there were some crude jokes but it was all in good fun. They asked them questions, the thread went on its way and that was that.
Today they would've been told to kill themselves or some shit.
4chan really was more faggy at some point in time, and deep down it still is but now coated in some homofacsism stink. That's the only reason something like /lgbt/ could've been created, which looks like a bizarre anomaly today.



>back in my day it was cool to be an obnoxious degenerate limpwristed edgelord. you kids nowadays would never understand

Millennials never cease to amze me with their gatekeeping irrelevant cultural slop.
Despite the fact Gen Y never created anything, most Millennial culture is borrowed from Gen X, including the Internet.

Now yall are 25-40 and you still dont have your shit together or if you do you waste your sentimemts amd money on halfass adolescent zeitgesit material from the early 2000s.


Alot of it probably was. Or theyre just too stunted to have any other types of humor.

Edgelord humor is cute in a blue moon but when youre goated in it, it fucks up your brain.


People like this are the school shooters of the world who will make any excuse to hate anyone else and perpetually be un happy.


Most of our mass shooters so far since 1999 were Millennials.

Look at the alt right and alt left.

Its mostly Millennials with late Gen X folks.

They will then blame Gen Z for the aftermath while taking credit for any "progress" made by their respective ideologues.

Millennials and late Gen X have adapted the term "adulting".


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Homosexuality is the epitome of misogyny.


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based post. fuck fags. lesbians are okay thoughbeit as long as they hate troons


Cringe post.

Youre probably one of those guys whom thinks all lesbians are like those vixens like you see in TV or movies doing gracefully erotic sex moves.

Misandrist homophobia is shallow.


nah bro lesbians are usually uggos but they hate troons and are organizationally competent to the extent where I would have no issue admitting them to the party even perhaps upper cadre since they have the benefit of social capital with other women to influence them as well as being ineligible for autistic incel types who also plague the org.


Lesbians hate troons not because they are troons but because they are men who try to leave their label, and they have a man hate problem, just like the gay community with misogyny.


4chan is a giant food fight. Stormfront once began to raid the place to push their ideology and you can still see the result today. Furies have made their raids, years ago and then MLP until they got a containment board.

Raids from an external community are supposed to happen on 4chan. The sissy one is just the last one and then something else will come.


>dumb generationwank

Didn't read.

Furries and MLP didn't "raid" 4chan, or at the very least MLP didn't. Bronies were a 4chan thing, like that call was coming from inside the house. Furries got shit from most of 4chan early on, but also a ton of 4channers were furries anyway back in the day - like, just by the nature of 4chan being a big tent for nerds and weirdos.

Don't get this stuff twisted. Before the Stormfront shit, most of the raiding was being done by /b/ (and EDiots) against other sites - like, constantly. There's zero equivalence with what you're calling "the sissy one" - you're talking about something which doesn't exist. The only really notable 'raids' against 4chan by anyone other than the FBI (don't mess with football) were the Swarmfront stuff and the Kimmo Alm stuff. Swarmfront was really more of a protracted op (launched on 4chan as well as Reddit, and I forget where else), and it totally changed the site. There wasn't really any time when 4chan didn't have gays or furries or sickos, but in the '00s the likelihood of bumping into unironic boomer Nazis there was extremely low. There's no comparison to be made with furries or Bronies (the latter is a phenomenon which largely originated on 4chan to begin with), the Stormfront invasion permanently changed the site's demographics.


>dumb generationwank
>Didn't read.

But you blame zoomers and boomers. Typical millennial projection.

>Furries and MLP didn't "raid" 4chan, or at the very least MLP didn't. Bronies were a 4chan thing, like that call was coming from inside the house. Furries got shit from most of 4chan early on, but also a ton of 4channers were furries anyway back in the day - like, just by the nature of 4chan being a big tent for nerds and weirdos.

>Don't get this stuff twisted. Before the Stormfront shit, most of the raiding was being done by /b/ (and EDiots) against other sites - like, constantly. There's zero equivalence with what you're calling "the sissy one" - you're talking about something which doesn't exist. The only really notable 'raids' against 4chan by anyone other than the FBI (don't mess with football) were the Swarmfront stuff and the Kimmo Alm stuff. Swarmfront was really more of a protracted op (launched on 4chan as well as Reddit, and I forget where else), and it totally changed the site. There wasn't really any time when 4chan didn't have gays or furries or sickos, but in the '00s the likelihood of bumping into unironic boomer Nazis there was extremely low. There's no comparison to be made with furries or Bronies (the latter is a phenomenon which largely originated on 4chan to begin with), the Stormfront invasion permanently changed the site's demographics.

Stormfront probaly invaded because 4chan was already a shithole to begin with. The people on there were probably already ripe fpr the picking. It was only a mstter of time.


/b/ just turned slowly into a porn board full of all kinds of deviants. I personally blame 2016 influx of drumpf supporters.

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