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>he's a maoist turd worldist


How's that different from a regular "Maoist", anyway?


Third worldists believe that only people in third world nation can be proles. They think a homeless person living in LA is bourgeois.


they think revolutionary ideas are not enough for relatively well-off bourgeoisie kids and folx


*not cool enough


ppl in developed countries always think they live in most advanced time possible and that the society is without issues (obviously untrue b t w)


and they base their world view on cartoons or reddit, or what they saw on faux


or they think the humanity reached its max potential in 1980, by releasing VHS


>Third worldists believe that only people in third world nation can be proles.
Doesn't sound too insane, if I was a prolet in the third world I wouldn't give a shit about some Americans


Technically theyre not wrong.

Most honesless in America are better off than those in the second/third world.


t. Passportless burger

Literally no one in the 'Third World' gives a fuck about Maoism Third Worldism, and if they do, they're affuent university students in a city. Normal people have actual concerns, not reehing out on behalf of some exoticized others.

>But homeless in the US have it great!

That's because America is a country of faggots, homeless people aren't rounded up and sent to rehab centers or mental hospitals.

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