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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
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Is r/antiwork liberal or leftist? I see a lot of genuine leftist posts about how people are being mistreated at their jobs and how capitalism is exploited, but I also see a lot of threads on there about how some workplaces are good and about how capitalism can be fixed. I also see a lot of threads made by teenagers/early 20s about how they sleep at their fast food jobs and they think thats praxis.


subreddit is run by idiot anarchists and exists to make anti-establishment people become retarded. There are no good parts of reddit the entire website is run by feds.


It's a fine enough to work with liberal-to-leftist pipeline. I'm never going to make a reddit account, but with people openly resenting the needless tedium of work under capitalism, it may be easy to get them to listen to the possibility of meaningful / fulfilling work and automation under socialism.
I think "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" would sound nice to anti-work liberals who may simply be tired of their exploitation. They can't handle the load anymore, maybe it's time to question what they're carrying and overthrow it.


Boymoder sex with the boymoder sex.


As that sub was gaining popularity one of their jannies ruined everything by going on fox news and basically confirming every cringe stereotype of "leftists" that fox news might have.

Idk if that was intentionally staged, but their mod team went through a change, so I'm sure that any discussion that would have otherwise been productive is now completely neutered.

Reddit's director of policy is Jessica Ashooh, who used to be the deputy directory of the Atlantic Council’s Middle East Strategy Task Force, so you can be pretty sure that reddit as a website is censored to shit and its narratives tightly controlled.


its run by anarkiddies so


>Censored to shit

You'll be banned for saying anything remotely critical of trooons, dindus, or the ms narrative around the coof, but you're free to kvetch and cry about how awful whitey, men, and america are

You're also free do be some mouthbreathing faggot on r/communism and unironically claim that "reddit is a fascist website" but you're not free to create a subreddit unironically supporting fascism
<Strange tilt to the censorship there


All the other mods told that jackass it was a stupid fucking move but he did it anyway. A lot of retards don't understand the meaning of optics and think everyone is gonna be nice and not immediately attack you for your looks and background and shit. Especially conservatives, they're the most childish people and focus primarily on what's in front of them to avoid attacking any substantial statements, and quickly turn it to mock anyone unhappy with the current state of labor in their country.
That's why you should work out and groom yourself, no not your fucking fbi.gov kitten you freaks


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Oh yeah and:
>Reddit's director of policy is Jessica Ashooh, who used to be the deputy directory of the Atlantic Council’s Middle East Strategy Task Force, so you can be pretty sure that reddit as a website is censored to shit and its narratives tightly controlled.
Remember that Reddit was co-founded by a guy who got sent 40 years in prison for stealing and redistributing academic papers and journals for free, because he thought all information should be free. He was later found dead.
I think it's totally reasonable that he set off some alarms and someone decided to co-opt Reddit.


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>offended by people being """"anti-white""""
>fucking offended by people criticizing fucking AMERICA
This board is just /pol/ with a Soviet aesthetic sometimes


>Conservatives are childish because they understand how the world works
>Leftists are so smart that they don't think taking a shower is important. They're so smart that they know than anyone who cares about optics is a big dumb dumb
>Omg dats /pol/
Go cry about it on .org


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>Leftists should care more about optics especially when on a news broadcasts that only had a leftist on because they looked a smelly NEET and were easy to make fun of
Don't you have 50 other imageboards to talk about how immigrants are the real threat to the working class and that you should support people who only talk about hating gays or something


Don't you have drugs to smoke?
Instead of getting mad because a stereotype exists, maybe try not living up to it
Challenge level: impossible
>Inb4 libshit talking points
Oops. Too late. I swear is place is just a bunch of loser fags who like Soviet Aesthetics. I can promise though, you would have been (rightly) gulaged there.


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fuck off back to reddit,retard


I think that subreddit reeks of people whom just lowkey hate working.

I dont ubderstand why hatred of work is justifoed but yet criticising school or suggestion for forgoing schooling is criminalized.

If anything, work is more essemtial for socoety than school.


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File: 1700837096480.webm ( 31.38 MB , 1920x1080 , Trainwreck Fox Interview ….webm )


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