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>New landlord
>Raises the rent 100% to force everyone to move out of the building
>Renovates it
>Makes it an expensive AIRNB apartments bulshit
>Be me
>Bomb it with 1 star reviews from my 15 alternative accounts so far
So what praxis/revange are you doing?


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doing nothing tbh


Based as fuck. Keep it at no higher than 3 stars OP lmao.


Post on /i/ and we can help.


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Dud thread because the left(tm) has no praxis beyond sperging out online about history/theory and being rope-a-doped in blue-no-matter-who.

That's not to say that review bombing your ex landlord isn't commendable.

Personally, I go out of my way to teach small children that there are only two genders and they don't get to pick, make fun of people who wear masks, encourage my male friends to be strong and healthy, and tell women that the key to finding a good man is to 'just be pleasant.' amazing that any of that is transgressive, tbh, but I have to do my part to combat the corrosive influence of the west


Aren't you spreging out online right now currently?


Don't you have a thread on Yugoslavia to contribute to, comrade?


its not transgressive, plenty of people are still retarded anon


Some one is sakty


Gender is not real.

There are no genders gender is something we made up that was convenient with developing biology in the early 20th century and doesn't actually exist. Science is more complicated that those shitty high school text books you read 30 years ago with the turtle on it.


Go back


I ain't ruining your roozkie asshole anymore you insatiable lakhtawhore. Call your daddy Volodin for once ffs okay thank you vr much holy shit you are literally the worst


>Personally, I go out of my way to teach small children that there are only two genders and they don't get to pick,

Kinda useless. Kids already know this. Its just that adults never allow kids to be right.

Also, the transgender issue is kinda moot. What we really need is to teach kids that cynicism and somberness in youth is ok and sometimes necessary.
Race, sex, death, religion, and money should never be off-limit discussions for kids.

Innocence is innate amnesia. It should not be cherished but seen as a molting shell.

And teach them technical skills.

>make fun of people who wear masks,

Cringe. I guess if someone has AIDS you woukd be ok with them sneezing in your direction.

>encourage my male friends to be strong and healthy,

Why is diet and exercise exclusively assigned to men?
Women should be required to exercise and eat right as well.
Men should be encouraged to embrace singlehood and reject the crass rat race for "changing the world".

Masculinity should not be a rat race of greedy demigod-wannabes.
> and tell women that the key to finding a good man is to 'just be pleasant.'

Define "be pleasant".
Imo, women should not waste their time finding a good man.
They end up taking good men for granted.
Women in our modern chivalric socuety have adapted an infantile, dependent persona.
They want men to be their social insurance.
Or, they end up being beaten and raped by bad men.

>amazing that any of that is transgressive, tbh, but I have to do my part to combat the corrosive influence of the west

None of that is "transgressive".
The real sin if tge west is the classic liberal paradigm thats sold. Tge truth is, the LGBTQ/SJW always wanna have the same "trad" suburban lifestyle like their right wing coubterparts.

Notice how SJWs never advocate for off-the-grid/bohemian polygamous living.
They pursue the same monogamous indutrialized established suburban biomes as the right.


Truth on the transgresivity.


You're worse than any of the liberals you hate because apparently your basis for praxis is some conservative aesthetic lifestyle bullshit and not economics or material reality for workers. Btw how's life in the suburbs?


tbh conservatism in politics is mainly aesthetics.

In fact, conservatism doesnt exist.

Its a placeholder title for any ideologue thats on its way out or has beem the mainstay for a good chunk of a nation's promient epoch.

Capitalism is liberal in the eastern bloc. But its conservative in the US


Shut the fuck up transhumanist faggot your brain is rotted from liberal academia and spinozite propaganda


Question: what is the point of separating gender and sex? It used to mean the same thing. Also if they are separate concepts how come people that think they are a different gender get sexual reassignment procedures?

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