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I'm sitting here in Romanian prison, from where I'll soon return stronger than ever. But while I'm here, I figured I'd answer some questions from the brokies. Obviously, it's not my job to convince you to want 6o be something other than a loser, but if you're driven to succeed, I can help you escape the matrix. Ask away


What happened to yur hair?


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>wearing shades indoors


It got thin as I got older. So I got a hair transplant but still shave it just to flex on brokies

What happened to yours?


Could you tell Nick to return me my money? I never got war room access.


The War Room is an exclusive club. We kick people out due to low ambition and poor performance, even if they pay. Blame yourself for not being up to standard.


But Nick never let me in, and he won't respond in chat.


Nick told me you have loser homo vibes. Sign up for hustlers university, which has a lower bar of entry. Learn to be a man, then maybe (maybe) you'll be qualified to ride with the top g and the other millionaires in the war room.


Okay, but I still want my 680000 ARS back. Nick is not a top G, because he didn't even keep his word. Not top G at all.


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I understand why any reasonable man would hate women but why would you claim that being a chad is "Escaping the matrix?"


I don't hate women. This is a lie my enemies have spread about me. My mother is a woman. My lawyer is a woman. 100% of the people I sleep with are women.

I also never use the word 'chad.' Instead, I encourage men to be the best version of themselves possible by facing life's challenges head on.

The matrix is a system designed to enslave. It's based on a metaphor, but it's an apt one. In both the movie and real life, the matrix is a system which thrives off the energy of those it enslaves. I teach me how to avoid having their energy stolen by the matrix. I can teach you too, inshallah


You can't learn to be a chad. You're either born one, or you're not.

Also, newsflash - you're not a chad. Your poorly masqueraded grudge against women (also your baldness and recessed chin) tells me a story of rejections. That must be why you ended up kidnapping women out of Romania.


>It's based on a metaphor, but it's an apt one.
The Matrix is an undisguised allegory for capitalism within Baudrillard's concept of the "hyper-real." The otherkin who made it even said as much.


>You can't learn to be a chad. You're either born one, or you're not
Everyone is born with different innate talents. But it takes discipline action to unlock them. True, I had the benefit of having a genius father who didn't take shit from anyone, let alone a ho. But I still had to working to cultivate a strong pimp frame.
Like I said, its not my job to convince you to want to be something other than a loser.

>The Matrix is an undisguised allegory for capitalism within Baudrillard's concept of the "hyper-real." The otherkin who made it even said as much.

Is knowing that going to get you paid? Will it help you visit exotic places in a private jet? Will it protect you from a knife attack on the streets? When your woman is being disrespectful or making silly demands, will that put her in her place?


what do your "talents" have to do with being chad? I didn't know a deer's antlers, peacock's tail, and chad's forward growing maxilla, height and hunter eyes count as "talents".

>Is knowing that going to get you paid? Will it help you visit exotic places in a private jet? Will it protect you from a knife attack on the streets? When your woman is being disrespectful or making silly demands, will that put her in her place?

Spoken like a true automaton.

>*Beep**Boop* Must.. Follow.. Programming..


Not getting laid and being a brokie doesn't make you special or an original thinker. It makes you a loser, and part of the crowd.

But if you insist that such is your destiny, don't let me convince you otherwise.


>Not getting laid and being a brokie doesn't make you special or an original thinker.
Nah, I took the Diogenes-pill.
Keep being an NPC.


Like I said, being a broke incel is a choice. I chose to be rich and have women tattoo my name on them. The only difference is my choice required work and sacrifice.


Neither being broke nor being incel is a choice.

>I chose to be rich and have women tattoo my name on them.

So is this your prize? How many cars and fashion items did you buy her?

That's why I don't like capitalism - recessed maxilla bougie betabuxes wasting appropriated money on luxuries for their vapid whores.


If you think being a broke incel is your destiny, don't let me convince you otherwise
Men of status will continue to have harems with beautiful women for whom they provide. A story as old as time.


>Men of status will continue to have harems with beautiful women
Damn, Romanian prison sounds great. Too bad about the lice and the bedbugs.


Still probably cleaner than the average Seattle area anarchist collective house


You're not sitting in Romanian prison, you're standing there on all fours, being a diameter of a circle lmao


Which, in turn, are cleaner than the pressboard trailers in the Fourth World American South.


>claims to have such infinite knowledge of reality to be able to help all of us escape the matrix
>fat fingers the t key and hits 6 instead




check your dms


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>be a man in 2023
>parrot feminist talking points
>refuse to take solid advice about how to succeed in the sexual market place


He's actually right about this. Women want contradictory things in a man. They want someone who is much higher on the socioeconomic ladder, but don't want to deal with the the negatives like the guy working all the time.
A lot of women really do lose respect for their man if they do start slipping from their rung on the ladder.


he sure works hard in that prison..


Thats the fault of chivalry.


>women not wanting to fuck or be stuck with losers is the fault of chivalry
brain dead take
Expect nothing less from this place tbh


The mutual expectations from both men and women which end up in stale mates are the fault of chivalry.


You have to be more specific


thank God for singlehood. If cishet relationships are just powerstruggles, then I dont need it.

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