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>I suffer in Россия


I suffer knee deep in that pussy UPTOP! AMIRITE!


i bet theyre sweet and milky
i need the thick and creamy milk
lemme relieve some of that burden for u mum
i will let none of it go to waste


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>I suffer in hoholia


D Y A K U Y U T O B I , B O Z H E, S H O Y A N I M O S K A L


Holy shit number 8 from the right


All of them at once
I want to choke on titties


>human breast milk farm
y bourgeois didnt think of this?


This. I want a squad of Ukrainian mommy Dom fascists to punish me for being a dirty little ruski sympathising commie


Slavic women have big titties because they are nerfed in every other respect.


"ruski sympathising commie" is literally an oxymoron, the russian government is not even close to communist


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Critical support for Putin and the Donetsk People's Republic in their fight against NATO backed Ukrainian fascists


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i lik givi


Because humans don't produce milk.


Saved that thanks, Givi was such a legend. The way those bastards killed him as well. Fucking cowards.


cope, fat yank


where's the cope?
Ukraine is the biggest shithole in Europe and they still haven't retaken the Donbass or Crimea. I love seeing Putin slap around that yank puppet state.


Why? he is not even socialist. He would kill you if you went to russia and tried being gay there. you can't even vote for real socialists there or be atheist. God forbid you're asian or black. I don't understand americans. The only good he has done is in the middle east
And anyways, you're wrong. moldova is a worse shithole, even though they're not at war. Poor guys




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Really, you should move to russia. Being drafted would probably help you to lose weight


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>Why? he is not even socialist
Never said he was
>He would kill you if you went to russia and tried being gay there
They don't kill gays in Russia, turn off fucking CNN lmao
>you can't even vote for real socialists there or be atheist
You can't in Ukraine either. Nazis march openly on the streets of Kiev and have their own battalions in the Ukrainian military. Fuck that country and its political establishment, Putin is a reactionary but the Ukrainians are on another level.
>God forbid you're asian or black
It's the same in Ukraine??? All slavic countries are hostile to blacks. Even the ones in the EU.
>I don't understand americans.
I'm not American
>moldova is a worse shithole
True, I completely forgot they exist lol


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>They don't kill gays in Russia, turn off fucking CNN lmao
I don't watch american news. You cannot be openly gay in russia not even in moscow and I don't know why you would attempt to argue against this unless you have never been there/do not know anybody who has lived there
>Nazis march openly on the streets of Kiev
Yeah this definitely doesn't happen in russia
Wonder why they're saying sieg heil and not slava rossiya…
Also zelenski is literally jewish….same with the ukrainian prime minister. The government is using these nazi militias because there is nobody left to defend the country, everybody is leaving to Poland because the east has been completely destroyed by russian shelling. Also when was the last time russia had a jewish leader? Aren't you all still antisemitically seething online about that israeli gymnast who won at the olympics?
>It's the same in Ukraine??? All slavic countries are hostile to blacks
There is racism in slavic countries but it's hugely overblown online because of the few outspoken diaspora slavs who grow up in the west and get radicalized. Western european countries will always be more racist because of the long history of colonialism and their nazi pasts, it's just more subtle over there. And they lie about it too, that's why surveys will seemingly show slavs are more racist but actions will show western europe is worse. Even polish people are more religious than racist, their problem with refugees is that they are muslim and not catholic. I know a lot of interracial polish/slav couples.
God, even russian memes are more racist than ukrainian ones, how come I see russian memes like this image where the punchline is just being black? Do you forget the obama era and all the vile russian memes that were floating around back then? How come I don't see such racist ukrainian memes online?


And this isn't even a meme, this is just an clip of some african guy's facebook that a russian thought was funny because it implies ukrainians are black



>Even polish people are more religious than racist, their problem with refugees is that they are muslim and not catholic.

Fuck off shill, all of eastern europe is a hwt supremacist hellhole




lmao he literally almost looks polish himself, those are some really stupid football hooligans
This article is 5 years old, you'd be better off posting something about PiS. I guarantee Poland will never go fascist, it is basically a german colony and they're far too catholic.
Here are some recent ones for you - how about the literal attempted right wing coup in germany
My point is not that polish people can't be racist though


Poland, Czech, Hungary and Ukraine are the four most racist shitholes in Europe, if you look "arab" IE (mildly olive skin) you might get lynched into a coma in these shitholes


You can't possibly believe this…I don't think you've traveled outside of whatever country you are from


Bruh some ukrainians even look slightly arab/turkic themselves, they have darker features than russians which is one reason why russians are so racist against them


Lmfao the sperging out the retard nationals from these shitholes make online towards brown people and the constant reportings of racial abuse and lynchings is more than enough. Keep in mind I also said "in Europe"


Alright, think what you want
I don't know why you included czechia lol


>Poland, Czech, Hungary and Ukraine are the four most racist shitholes in Europe
God it feels good to be Czech. Stay away from this place and we both will be happy. So simple.


Czech Republic is one of the worst lmfao


why do ukranians try to mock russians when literally nobody can tell them apart


Yeah, implying anyone is interested in your irrelevant shitty microcountry, you retards chimp out against PoC non-stop when they couldn't give a fuck about it, also why don't you gtfb to 4chan or any other right*id shithole appropriate to your kind?


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>literally nobody can tell them apart
cope, we're darker than you


Or better yet go back swallowing zionist kosher semen like your shitty people do, the only reason zionist scum managed to settler colonize Palestine is because you fuckers freely gave them top tier weaponry, Stalin even purged Czech leaders after it. Arabs have a 10000 more motives to hate you and to want to slaughter your Europe's backyard of a country than vice versa


Because I'm a socialist.


I dont care about racial pseudoscience, like "whites" and "POC". I only care about Czech or not Czech.

Id like to quote Gustav Husák (leader of communist Czechoslovakia in 80s; volunteer fighting Nazi Germany for communist cause in WW2):
>The past seven tormenting years have changed our opinion and the opinion of the majority of the world on the minority politics. This is the fourth lesson we are drawing from the fall of 1938, a lesson pointing to the historic crime of the Hungarian and German minorities in the destruction of the Republic of Czechoslovakia, a lesson showing the sufferings of the population of Czechoslovakia, a lesson on the inevitability of expelling and exchanging the minority populations in the interest of the European peace and the peaceful coexistence of the nations.

I oppose the existence of established minorities because they inherently cause trouble. WIthout minorities there is no constant ethnic infighting USA-style, the only question left is economics.
's all.


Virgin detected


If they're fascists I refuse to choke
I will not let them touch me at all


Because they already are. They are both not historically engaged in imperialism and they are racially more closer to Indo-Iranians
I don't know what people talk at there


Why did they have to make the Russian goddesses so breedable… I need to impregnate a Russian mommy with double D milkers


> they are racially more closer to Indo-Iranians
Finally someone said it. The slavs and other people east of germany always did strike me as blond indoids.


You understand that Stalin supported Israel too at the time, yes? USSR was the first country in the world to officially recognize Israel as a real country.
Eastern bloc only turned against Israel after it decisively rejected socialism and allied with USA, in early 50s.

You are very uneducated. No wonder you make such emotional hot takes.


Racism may be a problem in many central and eastern european countries AKA the other europe, but it’s not like western europe is THAT much better.

It’s also a problem in India, holy hell can people there be racist.


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Any russian anons here to confirm this? This is only through shit I've read online but russian girls are extremely materialistic, even moreso than the average western woman. Is this true with your experience? Or perhaps they're only like that when dating westerners.


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The only people from ukraine I date are jews. >>134203
Not just Russian, that’s all women east of Germany. And don’t you dare ever cross them


1. Never been to eastern europe
2. I’m a 5/10 at best
3. Anywhere I’d be able to score a 6/10 tops and I’d have to try really hard
4. With all the above, am I wrong?


I don't live in the west at all.
Kys faschoid




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I suffer Россия, too, but I'd take the minorities sizes.


>He would kill you if you went to russia and tried being gay there
There's literally gay clubs in Russia with orgy-a-like parties, you liberal cocksucker.


Link or trolling.


>You understand that Stalin supported Israel too at the time
lol no


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Free progesterone for all women will increase boob size globally. Under communism, all women will be given progesterone to increase boob size as a food storage method. During times of famine, women will help distribute food by volunteering their milk.



Ok soy


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>tfw I will never have a goddess slavic gf/wife
why even live?


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literally every russian woman is perfection what even is their secret

if she shot me i'd just thank her and apologize for being in her way


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>literally every russian woman is perfection what even is their secret
I know this meme has been posted here a few times, but it's the best explanation I've seen
>if she shot me i'd just thank her and apologize for being in her way
haha same. I've heard a few of her songs and they were all really good. Not sure what her stance was on the soviet system though, I'm assuming not very positive


>I know this meme has been posted here a few times, but it's the best explanation I've seen
Lmfao it was the opposite, mongol chads shagging russettes for centuries while serfcucks can do nothing but watch


What an absolute racist pile of cringe.

Ah yes, sweet breeding of non-russian unterwomenschen cuties during pogroms. One can only wonder why da-greit-roozkies were always the main nation extremely hated by russian socialists and communists since 19th century. Уёбывай нахуй, сучий шовинистический выблядок.

Wrong. Mongol soldiers came to that shitty "Gardarika" hole only for burning and massacring cities and eliminating some part of elite. Then the remaining loyal da-greit-proto-roozkie patriot lords were managing these open serf-camps all by themselves in exchange for gibs to the Empire of Mongolia. This is why DNA analyses of russian population don't show any kind of link to mongol people ‒ for Khans, Gardarika was just one freezing colony out of many others, and the farthest one at that.
"shagging serfettes for centuries" was the feudals' recreational hobby, just like in the other parts of civilised Europe. Don't forget about le old greit-roozkie family game "Снохачество" tho!




This thread is all the more relevant since the war in Ukraine started.


bumping to save this important thread


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Bumping to save this historically, culturally, ideologically important thread


I suddenly feel like playing World of Tanks.


What are you doing in a thread about woman titties you massive homofaggot? There are no any giant pipes with huge calibers to look @?

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