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 No.226[Last 50 Posts]

How do I stop myself wanting a gf so badly that it hurts?


I usually do copious amounts of opiates


>Root phone
>Hack GPS locater
>Make your phone believe you're in Vietnam
>Get on Tinder


castrate yourself physically or chemically.


It's fucking 2022 dude, don't go into a relationship expecting any sort of loyalty. "Girlfriends" don't exist, you're just a temporary stop-gap or a practice toy at best until she finds a better one.
Accepting this fact has actually made me more comfortable with myself. I don't need to conform to these fucktard expectations in my mind so I usually manage to get laid like once a month with some fuck buddy and that's enough for me

For an actual companion wait until you hit your 30s and find a woman your age, it's around that time when they become desperate and their youth-pass is running out


Prostitutes if you can. I was reading some book about a guy in WW1 France talks how the officers were the ones picking up all chicks who were cuckholding their boyfriend's. If you want sex or do not want to be lonely pay for it like men have done for millennial.


humblebrag kys


Simply don't


You're just looking for "grills" in dumb places. Date real women faggot.


Do some self-reflection in a dark room and ask yourself why you're idealizing love/relationshits.


> I was reading some book about a guy in WW1 France talks how the officers were the ones picking up all chicks who were cuckholding their boyfriend's.
What's the book called? Crazy that the proto-blackpill was already being written about over a century ago.


Why is this a black pill?

Women aren't running pussy charities of losers.


By getting one overseas.


This is a lib answer. It's perfectly natural to want a sexually intimate relationship.


Their boyfriends were all losers? Why? Because they weren't officers? Even if they were soldiers, or industrial workers, or farmers, or perhaps small shop owners? So because their boyfriends weren't on a high (or higher) rung of the social hierarchy, they were therefore all "losers" and deserved to get cucked? And their girlfriends did nothing wrong? So according to your own logic: female nature being monkey-branching and hypergamous confirmed? How is that NOT a blackpill?


I wonder what were the late 1800's / early 1900's French equivalents of the term "These hoes ain't loyal" or "If she breathes, she's a thot".


"She's not yours, it's just your turn."


I agree with the blackpill that Tinder is the real life but holy shit majority of blackpillers tend to be whiny bitches, especially the younger ones
I get it "tfw no gf" yada-yada, but can you please stop droning about it like a broken automaton?

maybe I'm just too autistic for this shit, but I don't see how they can want a tradwife and kids and claim to be blackpilled at the same time


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'Im not hers, it's just her turn'

It needn't be a black pill because now you know with a bit of clarity what women really want. It's not devotion. It's not a 'good man.' It's not a supplicating bitch. She wants a leader and someone with status, and she's biologically programmed to chase it.

Once you know that, it's easier to game and bait women into sleeping or having a relationship with you. Now that you know a bit of the truth, you can begin to act in a way that's more advantageous to you. Status, afterall, can be gained. And, 'honest signals' of status (like confident body language, calmness, good vocal tonality, etc) can be mimicked. Even pre selection, a form of sexual status, can be played up.

And luckily, status isn't the sole thing women desire. The other big factor is 'being fun' and inspiring emotions.

If you only had a bit of status and could inspire a bit of fun emotions in women, you'd literally have no problem getting laid. Add rock solid dick game (a learnable skill through practice) into the mix, and now you've got a woman who is loyal too.

Furthermore, imagine if women didn't chase successful men. How would natural selection and evolution ever occur in the history of the development of humans (and other species, for that matter.)


>blackpillers tend to be whiny bitches

This. And being a whiny bitch is a) no fun and b) a signal of low status. Blackpill is a self fulfilling prophecy for egotistical guys who would rather be 'right' than successful.

>If anything, this should all be red pill. The liberal leftoid valorization of 'muh equality and justice' is fake and ghey. It will only set you back with women and create the basis of your own cucking. You can either fight against human nature, and end up bitter and alone for it, or you can accept some of the dark truths and use them to your advantage. I'd strongly advocate the latter route.


Women in third world countries are starting to catch on to the fact that the west is a dying empire. In effect, leftist fags who cheerlead the collapse of their own country are actually contributing to the loss of their own sexual market value on the global scale as well.

Moreover, Korea and Chinese guys are more willing to spend money on girls, and their 3 inch dicks are less hard on the pussy. Being white in Asia isn't the magic bullet you think it is, especially if you have nothing else going for you.


Women in third world countries are starting to catch on to the fact that the west is a dying empire. In effect, leftist fags who cheerlead the collapse of their own country are actually contributing to the loss of their own sexual market value on the global scale as well.
Lol, not even fucking close to being true.


>Women in third world countries are starting to catch on to the fact that the west is a dying empire. In effect, leftist fags who cheerlead the collapse of their own country are actually contributing to the loss of their own sexual market value on the global scale as well.
Lol no even close to being true. White fever is as strong as ever.


Maybe in shithole, hyper violent societies like Latin America.

Definitely not in Asia. The west has become to gay and weak for people to look up to anymore.


Thailand and Vietnam are still like this so I don't know what you're talking about.


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Not really.

Vietnam and Thailand are better dating markets for men than the west simply because the pool of attractive women is much larger. This is the single most noticeable and important distinction. Women are still fat shamed, unlike the faggy west where cultural leftist bullshit like 'health and beauty at all sizes' have stripped women of any sense of dignity or responsibility. When 70% of women are fat, like in the west, there are simply less options. 5s and low 6s start thinking they're entitled 9s. Likewise, girls in Asia are a bit more traditional and less like narcissistic whores who think their pussy has magical, lasting value.

But these asian girls, especially younger ones who are more into kpop and China dramas (instead of faggy western movies where every other protagonist is strong POC lesbian bosswoman and the point of the movie is to lecture you about some pozzed liberal value), aren't flocking toward western men. Moreover, if you don't speak the language in one of these places and instead are relying on English speaking girls to do much of the heavy lifting, you're likely stuck with either a a) dorky 'lets settle down' girl who every local guy thinks is a soft 5, b) the tundra fever type of girl who fucks every third backbacker on Khoa San road, or c) a girl edging toward the wall (though granted, who will still look much better than their western counterpart and have a much better attitude) and are being pressured to find a boyfriend.

You still need a bit of game if you actually want to be successful with attractive women (plural, not singular like a simp) in these places. Likewise, Asian women are highly hypergamous and more K selection oriented. The absolute hottest girls in those places aren't going to be seen dating a farang. You're retarded if you think otherwise.

But overall, a great place for banging 6s- high 7s that would pass as a 8- soft 9 in the west .. But again, only if you have game


And based on my experience, most the guys who travel to Asia and 'get laid,' are literal just paying for sex.

It's sad and desperate loser shit. But, if you're some low status dork in the west with a bit of cash, a prostie in parts of Asia is literally like $20 (and will probably be hotter than 80% of the girls in the west).

Don't trust guys who travel for a few weeks and come back with stories about how the women there love them

Most are just whoremongers bragging over nothing


You think I didn't know all this already? I'm not some underage middle schooler with his first day on the interwebs kek. But anyway, none of all that shit you described that help you "have no problem getting laid" will magically make you grow 6 inches in height, or grow those millimeters of bone structure in your face for the masculine male model jaw, or hunter eyes, or grow you a 10 inch monster hog, or give you the inside bourgeois connections to land a hedge fund manager or junior position at some Fortune 500 company pulling minimum mid 6 figures ($500k) per year starting salary off some Ivy League. The redpill is pure sui-fuel cause it gives incels false hope, the blackpill saves them from the rope. It all comes down to 2 choices for non-Chad men, Cope or Rope.


>'Im not hers, it's just her turn'
False equivalence. Lock and key analogy except all the locks nowadays open for all (Chad) keys. There's no good locks anymore that only open for one key, even if the key is Chad, there's always side-Chads and side-Brads.


Love when all the gaslighting redpillers talking about "just learn game bro" ignore the Halo effect, heightpill, the dickpill, Fisherian runaway selection, and so on and so forth.


>And luckily, status isn't the sole thing women desire. The other big factor is 'being fun' and inspiring emotions.
>If you only had a bit of status and could inspire a bit of fun emotions in women, you'd literally have no problem getting laid.
Video clip related. The part from 1:07 to the end especially.


>And being a whiny bitch is a) no fun
Accurately describing the world as it is materially for non-Chad men is not "whining". Being "fun" or not doesn't matter for non-Chad men, because women won't let them fuck anyway, whether they are "fun" or not fun. The "fun" non-Chad men get lead on and friendzoned at best.
>b) a signal of low status.
Whether the non-Chad men complain or not about their non-existent erotic life has no bearing on their status nor does it signal any lower status than they already would have anyway if they kept quiet about their predicament. The non-Chad mens' place at the bottom of the pecking order is already pre-established, probably since youth when it first becomes clear that they're not one of the guys who won the genetic lottery to grow up to be the tall, strapping guys who insta-wet girls' panties by physical presence alone.
>Blackpill is a self fulfilling prophecy for egotistical guys who would rather be 'right' than successful.
Wild projection. Non-Chad men tend to be the most unassuming, quiet, kind and considerate guys. Which doesn't help them either in a situation where losing the genetic lottery already gave them a shit hand to play. Women love egotistical guys in case you haven't noticed. Dark Triad personality (Machiavellianism, psychopathy, narcissism, or in other words, a Giant Ego) guys are the ones who are fucking tons of women, like at least one woman per day. Probably the power and social status these Chad men got genetically gifted from winning the genetic lottery since their youth gave them the youth experiences with girls to be able to develop these Dark Triad personalities, which in turn only increased their erotic capital in adult life. So when these Chad guys first won the genetic lottery, they immediately capitalized in order to dominate and bully the other non-Chad men, cuck them, steal their gf's/crushes/whatever, and acquire highly favorable positions in a Hobbesian all vs. all erotic competition for mating opportunities against other men. In this sense, the human Homo Sapiens social structure appears simian-like, with humans being not much more than barely evolved apes. And that blackpill says something extremely dark and brutal about human nature, not just in the sexual sphere, but in totality. And very, very few people are intellectually honest enough to admit this.



You guys are more bitter than your average poltard.

<Hurr hurr, I can't get laid now listen to me as I explain human nature and sexual relations

How far does the cope go?

<I've never accomplished anything in my life, now let me explain to you how society ought to be ran.

Leftypol tier tbh

>Women love egotistical guys in case you haven't noticed

Have you ever considered becoming more egotistical with women. Like literally bossing them around in subtle ways, gaslighting, etc and making it a goal to hurt them a little while fucking them? Or would you rather cry about how women won't give nice average (normie) guys like you a chance, all while blaming everyone but yourself for the outcome you're experiencing?

Like I said, women don't run pussy charities for whiny losers.


>In this sense, the human Homo Sapiens social structure appears simian-like, with humans being not much more than barely evolved apes. And that blackpill says something extremely dark and brutal about human nature, not just in the sexual sphere, but in totality. And very, very few people are intellectually honest enough to admit this….

But a class, stateless society seems more plausible than you getting laid?





>inb4 misogyny
I find it also interesting that "incels" (non-Chad/loveshy/erotically unsuccessful men) as a social group are the ones who are categorically demonized as a group as being responsible for misogyny in the West. When we compare the extremely rare (and not representative) non-Chad men who commit shootings where they kill a few people (girls and guys) for some kind of "revenge" fantasy or to promote a manifesto or whatever, which happens, what, a couple times a year maybe? And compared to the thousands upon thousands of women who are killed or beaten by their husbands or boyfriends (Chad, erotically successful men) every single day, the mass majority of the carnage is clearly at the hands of the Chad (high status / erotically successful) men. Not that I'm "defending" the former. Both are unconscionable, murder and physical assault/intimate partner violence are all highly immoral and barbaric, which goes without saying.


As a tertiary issue, given the brutal, winner take all nature of modern sexual competition, is it possible than some (many) MtF trans are practicing a sort of deformed sexual strategy?

>If you can't get a chick, might as well try to become one and get a boyfriend. Better than no attention and affection at all.

I think so tbh

And as an ancillary issue, will socialism mandate monogamy and provide state-issued waifus?


>You guys are more bitter
Describing reality = "bitter". Lol ok
>How far does the cope go?
What cope? Kek. Cope would be me giving erotically unsuccessful men false hope that "learning game" would get them pussy when we both know that's not true if we're being honest with each other.
>Have you ever considered becoming more egotistical with women
Lol, first it's "blackpillers are egotistical" >>780 and now it's "you're not egotistical enough". Holy shifting goalposts.
>literally bossing them around in subtle ways, gaslighting, etc and making it a goal to hurt them a little while fucking them?
None of that matters if the girls won't come home with you in the first place, which they won't if you aren't one of the Chad men who won the genetic lottery as a youth of a certain minimum height (6'0") and good looks for the Halo effect.
>Or would you rather cry about how women won't give nice average (normie) guys like you a chance
I'm pushing back on false hope redpill PUA shit to save any non-Chad anons reading from turning to the rope when that advice inevitably doesn't work for them. You sure you not just projecting again cause this blackpill is too brutal for you to cope with?
>all while blaming everyone but yourself for the outcome you're experiencing?
Lol ok. Why should non-Chad men blame themselves? For losing the genetic lottery which they, apparently, had any say at all in? Guess they didn't "bootstrap" hard enough to get genetics that gave them 6'4" physiques kek.
>Like I said, women don't run pussy charities for whiny losers.
"Losers" (non-Chad men) don't get pussy whether they whine about it or not. We already went over this.

>But a class, stateless society seems more plausible than you getting laid?

Where did I say anything about a classless, stateless society being more plausible than non-Chad men getting laid? You're deflecting.


>None of that matters if the girls won't come home with you in the first place, which they won't if you aren't one of the Chad men who won the genetic lottery as a youth of a certain minimum height (6'0") and good looks for the Halo effect.

Source: the guy who doesn't get laid and blames his height/genetics


Some people have theorized this, and the term they call this is (and pardon the slur, but I'm not the one who came up with this term) "transhumanistmaxxing". What I don't get is how this theory accounts for the significant number of MtF trans who were (prior to transitioning) 6'0"+ tall Chad cis men beforehand, who definitely had no shortage of success fucking their pick of hot girls.
>will socialism mandate monogamy
Probably, although not necessarily for some "tradwife" social policy reasons but for disease prevention. We live on a dying planet from global warming already where pandemics are accelerating from zoonotic spillover. Promiscuity being normalized, even with condoms and contraceptives, is a major public health risk for all kinds of STD's, including deadly and pandemic-potential ones, to quickly spread and kill and disable a lot of people to the point it could fuck up supply chains, especially when these STD's spread concurrently with other airborne zoonotic spillover pathogens like SARS/CoV, MERS, etc.
Source: the guy who "has a 5'2" balding Indian janitor friend who totally pulls a bunch of hot girls from the bar every weekend just by being funny, confident and knowing game". Source: trust me bro




>5'2" balding Indian janitor friend

So a loser with no status?

I specifically said get status. I specifically said that women desire winners and high status guys. You'd rather be a whiny fag and make up reasons why you won't ever succeed. You crying and coping is a tacit admission of your own low status, an issue which you deflect by sulking about the 'genetic lottery'

You're in denial that you alone are responsible for your outcome in life… At least until socialism issues you a waifu.

I spell it once more:

>Status (can be mimicked and faked, much of it amounts to comfortable body language and not being emotionally affected)


>Looks (much of which comes down to decent hygiene, exercise, and fitting clothes, all of which is also a sign of status)


>Preselection (women desire men who other women desire - it's a cognitive-evolutionary shortcut so that don't have to evaluate every guy conciously)


>'Being fun' or emotionally evocation


>Actually talking to women


>Moving things forward toward sex in a smooth way when you have high levels of compliance and investment. This actually takes practice.


<Dick wet

Source: me

>Unless you are a 5'2" balding indian janitor, you are an absolute fag. The simple solution to your problems with women is to stop being a fag. But you won't, because faggotry often a matter of the soul.


>You'd rather be a whiny fag
>You crying and coping is a tacit admission of your own low status, an issue which you deflect by sulking about the 'genetic lottery'
>You're in denial that you alone are responsible for your outcome in life
What is this obsession with psychiatry and pretending you can accurately "psycho-analyze" some random guy who you know nothing about based off some anonymous posts that do nothing but describe the reality of the scientific blackpill?
Sure, didn't argue against this nor does this contradict the blackpill but ok.
Are important. And highly geneticaly pre-determined. Thus more confirmation for the blackpill.
Sure, and the scientific blackpill talks about this too. A guy must have been selected by other girls before in order for girls to "preselect" him. But then you get down to the fundamental: How did the guy initially get selected by the first girl who ever let him fuck her? Well, the answer is he was at least 6'0" tall with good looks AKA genetics. Therefore blackpill confirmed again.
>'Being fun' or emotionally evocation
For girls to perceive a guy as "fun" he must be the type of Dark Triad narcissist who will push all her buttons and take her on a emotional rollercoaster. In order for the guy to have a Dark Triad personality he must have developed it from past sexual success with girls. And in order for those past sexual success with girls to have happened he must have lucked out on the 6'0" minimum height and good looks genetically. Ergo, blackpill confirmed again.
>Actually talking to women
Leads to sex for Chad men who won the genetic lottery. Leads to friendzone and "emotional shoulder to cry on while she gets pump and dumped by Chad" for non-Chad men who didn't luck out genetically.
>Moving things forward toward sex in a smooth way
>This actually takes practice.
No shit it takes practice. Practice which men who aren't Chad won't have and probably won't ever have by default. Because they aren't Chad (didn't win the genetic lottery for 6'0" minimum height and good looks) therefore they never got picked for sex by girls in the past. And will continue to not get picked for sex by girls in the present and future.
>Dick wet
Yeah, after all the prerequisite you listed, which, as I just broke down, all confirm the reality of the blackpill. Thanks again for making my point for me.
>Source: me
Lol ok. So you're a Chad who gets his dick wet with hot girls all the time? Fascinating. I find it a bit hard to believe such a guy would be green text and effort post replying back and forth with some anon on a super obscure, normally 4 post per hour alternative imageboard that probably 99% of even 4chan users aren't aware of but ok, sure kek. Let's assume that's true. That still isn't helpful for the anons itt who aren't Chad like you, because none of the "redpill pua game" advice you give them that works for you will work for them. Because unlike you, they didn't win the genetic lottery of 6'0" minimum height with good looks and the automatic social status this confers since youth. Ergo, blackpill confirmed again.

>Unless you are a 5'2" balding indian janitor, you are an absolute fag.

<If you aren't 6'0" tall minimum with good looks, you are an "absolute fag". The simple solution to your problems with women is to just grow taller and become attractive to stop being a fag. But you won't, because "faggotry" always a matter of genetics.
*Ftfy. And now that I've translated what you really mean from what you're disingenuously claiming to believe (in order to peddle more pua redpill false hope to sexually unsuccessful men), I note, once again, that the blackpill is confirmed by this, again.


Egg Man ain't crying; he accepts his fate. He's just honest about it.
7 Years ago : We laughed at him
3 years ago : We realized he could be right
Now : He's a prophet

Growing up is realizing eggy was always right.


pure poetry
I'm surprised this was made in france. It's a bluepill central.


>you'll never be a girl's erotic dream


When Hitler takes the blackpill


This shit is parody tier

<You're right anon. You're a genetically cursed subhuman midget who isn't even physically qualified to hold a conversation with women. Compared to me, you are a worm. It was over for you the day you were born. Even if you manage to hold a girls hand, it will have already been long ago tainted by the cocks of better men. In fact, you should show some appreciation that I'm even talking to a biopeasant like yourself.

Is that what you want to hear lol

For all the other anons out there, if you want similar results to this guy, take his advice seriously.


>You're a genetically cursed subhuman midget who isn't even physically qualified to hold a conversation with women. Compared to me, you are a worm.
fuck women, they don't have to determine who is a subhuman or not
that is the true blackpill

redpillers are so cucked by women they don't even understand how miserable they are

there is no more pathetic creature on earth than a slave who thinks that he is a free man


Women don't determine shit. They merely go where the status, value, looks, and fun are.

You have none of that. By your own admission, you are a physically stunted untermensch.

Now prostrate yourself and say thank you that I'm even talking to you.








it's always fun with chad

>Women don't determine shit.

not for a redpilled coper
his whole value and the value of people around him is determined by the women around him

>You have none of that. By your own admission, you are a physically stunted untermensch.

lol, it is for a redpiller a man is an untermensch if a woman doesn't want to fuck him

>Now prostrate yourself and say thank you that I'm even talking to you.

go larp as in some twitch thot's chat lol


But don't feel bad, untermensch

In most mammal species, only a small minority of males mate with all the females.

Hypergamy indicates we are returning to a state of nature. Monogamy was always an artificial institution used to placate the stunted peons. Now that video games and porn is widely available, that's not needed. gimps like you can go back to your rightful position: as social eunuchs.

>go larp as in some twitch thot's chat lol

Guys who actually fuck women (plural) don't spend much time looking at them online. Lol

>inb4: 'you base all your value on attention from women.'

My sides. Let's not pretend you have other accomplishments. Chad, on the other hand, excels in various fields.

Enjoy the blackpill poison, faggot. It's not your fault though. You lost the genetic lottery, remember.


>Let's not pretend you have other accomplishments. Chad, on the other hand, excels in various fields.
Nikola Tesla, the most accomplished inventor and engineer of all time by far, spent his entire life celibate. He's by far not the only one, tons of other men who reached the absolute peaks of their respective fields also spent their lives celibate. It's almost like pussy is not the only thing that matters in the world. Crazy idea I know


Newton was celibate too.


Anno was a virgin when he made evangelion.


>Newton was celibate

>It's me

Reddit tier


>Nikola Tesla, the most accomplished inventor and engineer of all time by far, spent his entire life celibate.
Lol cope, he had a life long male friend that he butt fucked.


>In most mammal species, only a small minority of males mate with all the females.
>Hypergamy indicates we are returning to a state of nature. Monogamy was always an artificial institution used to placate the stunted peons. Now that video games and porn is widely available, that's not needed. gimps like you can go back to your rightful position: as social eunuchs.
So the blackpill is correct then. I accept your concession.

>Guys who actually fuck women (plural) don't spend much time looking at them online. Lol

All guys watch porn, including genetically gifted Chad men who fuck women irl all the time. A lot of those Chad men even watch porn together with their gf's or fuckbuddies to get off and get ideas for new positions or roleplay/fetishes or whatever. Let's not kid ourselves.


Then where does one look? What is a "real" woman?


It's all cope, anons. Where's the fourth pill?


Get off the internet


>Lol cope, he had a life long male friend that he butt fucked.
<n-no, if he doesn't chase pussy he must be gay!
you will always be a slave


average burger


Prostitution is rape. OP, do everything in your power to be comfortable as you are, but gout there too and do your best to meet people.
Personally, I've been opening up more in university and that alone has helped me feel a lot less lonely even if it's only superficial. Slow and steady, though.


>Sex work is real work!!!!
<Women should be kicked off welfare if they refuse to suck dick for minimum wage


>Prostitution is rape.
t. fat roastie


>Prostitution is rape
At the risk of sounding like some free market fundamentalist conservative, how is prostitution "rape" if you consent to be a prostitute and consent to the male clients ("johns") who pay you for sex? I'm talking here about women who choose to be prostitutes rather than the women who are sex trafficked into it obviously.

As a woman who chooses prostitution, you could just as easily choose to work at a fast food place, department store or any other kind of no-degree required work, even if it pays little, and go to community college part time and apply for food stamps and public health insurance if the financial situation is that bad. As a democratic socialist I'd prefer if all education including university and healthcare was totally free for everybody like the Swedish and Finnish model but unfortunately Americans don't live in such enlightened society. Even still, there's definitely lots of other options for even women in the worst financial position than prostitution.


>At the risk of sounding like some free market fundamentalist conservative, how is prostitution "rape" if you consent to be a prostitute and consent to the male clients ("johns") who pay you for sex?
Well exchange isn't necessarily based on consent. It can be based on economic coercion. Many prostitutes have to rent them self's out for sex services in order to get enough money to survive. In that case it's rape.

Economic precarity is just another mechanism to compel people to do things. In other words they are being forced, and we are not going to pretend that it's consent just because there is a formality like a contract or a transaction. Things are what they are ,no matter how you dress it up.


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so in an ideal case of full employment, where prostitution is a subsidized state service like healthcare - it is not rape, no more coerced than any other activity, you agree?

if you actually do the math, in an ideal socialist society in absence of coercion the least prestigious jobs should be the most paid to attract necessary labor, because prestige and comfort is in itself an attraction factor, ie given equal pay, a "cushion job" is more attractive than cleaning toilets

this also should compel ideal socialist society to automate those jobs to reduce associated labor costs

tho this specific feature of socialism would obviously cause immense butthurt to educated experts (which is actually happened even in the SU) who are naturally by their possession of expertise think that they are entitled to a relative higher share as status symbol first and foremost


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>tho this specific feature of socialism would obviously cause immense butthurt to educated experts (which is actually happened even in the SU) who are naturally by their possession of expertise think that they are entitled to a relative higher share as status symbol first and foremost
contrary to AES states where educated experts were THE political elite, an ideal socialist society faces the other problem here - the problem of experts productivity
being dominated in the political sphere by the simple virtue of being a minority, experts would most likely feel demoralized and demotivated, which is bad for society because of its effects on productivity
after all, those experts were trained by the society for a reason according to some plan

so we face a dilemma here - we can't allow an expert's share to be higher than of some categories of highly demanded lower qualified workers
but at the same time we can't allow an expert's productivity to sink too low because we need his labor to automate those highly demanded lower qualified jobs

solving this dilemma would require widespread use of some moral incentives, which is a tough task in a political system where experts get dominated by commoners..


>solving this dilemma would require widespread use of some moral incentives
or some kind of brainwashing and social conditioning, or maybe even genetic engineering? but I guess that ideal society would not be that "ideal" anymore lol


so the ultimate problem with the experts - their political aspirations that come with the territory

we need to somehow politically "castrate" them without them noticing lol, so it wouldn't have a major demoralizing affect on them


Itt: weirdo losers being weirdo losers


yeah wtf is this lmao. "t. fat roastie" to a basic Marxist take???? you'll say anything to defend your misogyny lmao


>"t. fat roastie" to a basic Marxist take????
show me where Marx rolls out this "basic Marxist take" in Capital roastie


>Furthermore, imagine if women didn't chase successful men. How would natural selection and evolution ever occur in the history of the development of humans (and other species, for that matter.)

Fail to see why I should care about this, it got nothing to do with me or the rest of humans currently lmao, we'll be dead when any "advancements" happen.


Seeing as how you won't be leaving behind children or any sort of legacy, I can understand the despair and frustration.


Having children and legacy doesn't change that.


>Must.. lay.. more.. eggs..
literal bugman

fuck genes, when I die - I'm taking them with me
I will not be used as a tool


>No one will miss me after I'm gone…. And that's a good thing!!


>waaaah!! I need pity from other people waaaa!!
bugman moment

I seriously can't comprehend how bugmen can find meaning in their progeny.
You would think that abstract thinking should modify meaning to be something accordingly abstract, but nah. The sheer number of bugmen that just can't shut up about "muh family" is truly staggering to me.

I'm just THAT different from you bugmen that you all look truly alien to me.


>Pity is the only emotion I can imagine people having when I cross their mind


yeah, ok bugman

whatever copes keep you rolling

just don't expect me to empathize, just like I can't empathize with animals whose only drive is procreation


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>Unironically uses alt right terms
>Doesn't even approximately understand what they mean

Let me help you out


I will use whatever terms I want, bugman

bugs perfectly exemplify, due to their shorter lifespans, a creature whose only meaning is reproduction

insect males literally die after copulation because they have no further purpose kek


We get it. You don't fuck. Good for you.


We get it. You live to fuck. Good for you.


Jeez, with all the time you save, you must have a really awesome life full of accomplishments👍


Bronze Age Mindset by a pseudonym named Bronze Age Pervert is the source for those images


nobody asked, bugman


Great book


Technically I guess you can say i'm MGTOW. It wasn't by choice though, I went on dates, tried to hold relationships, but Covid era pretty much ruined my entire fucking life and I've never recovered, lost my job, lost all my work I progressed towards, lost my life savings, lost my relationship and coming out of covid, out of desperation, I ended up making friends with very bad people (lumpenprole types) who made my life utter hell, I've only been able to "rid" myself of them in the past 6 months and my mental health is rock bottom.
I cannot justify dragging someone else into the nightmare of my life and I just don't care anymore, until I find stability, a better job and a reason to be confident, there is just no fucking way I can justify dating or a relationship.



>muh friends muh relationships!
nobody cares, bugman


Right now, a /pol/ user is balls deep in a latina cutie


Look into r/k selection mating strategies. What you are essential describing is an r selection strategy - one which favors high reproduction rate and low parental care. Certain groups of people tend to trend toward r selection over k selection.


Good for him. Bad for her.


Latinas are the biggest racists.


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Or a child


Literally just stop caring.


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>How do I stop myself wanting a gf so badly that it hurts?
You can't. You are not in control. Never was and never will. You are a puppet. And only in Disney movies does a puppet achieve freedom.

Your whole reason for being born, for being alive - is to reproduce, to make the wheel turn one more time.
There is no escape. People tried many things throughout centuries. Philosophy. Science. Religion. All failed. All - pathetic copes.

We are here to suffer.


And remember. You'll never be a girl's dream. We weren't meant to reproduce. You're not the main character. You're a random npc.


>and hopefully they don't put a Bachelor's tax on you..
Eggy.. there is no hope

they've already laid the theoretical foundations in terms of the reproduction of "social labor"

I call this the unhinged feminoid leftoid dilemma: w*men MUST fuck, but you CAN'T tell w*men who they MUST fuck, that's a big no-no, but you CAN tell incels to pay up for the Chad cock carousel because see the first point - w*men MUST fuck

a way out of this "dilemma" for our unhinged leftoid? obviously FORCE incels to pay up

man, I just CAN'T WAIT to live in that WONDERFUL cybersoycialist utopia of yours, leftoids!


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This isn't true. You only believe that because you buy into the ideology and narrative that says that is your reason for being alive. Objectively speaking we do not have a reason to live. The universe doesn't care about us or our reproduction we are simply the result of billions of years of eutrophic decay. You only believe that because you tell yourself that.

From a biological standpoint sure and yes we cannot change our sex drive, but, we can choose whether or not we actually give a shit about it or not. You are making a choice when you choose to elevate sex above everything else in the universe in terms of importance.

You should practice more stoicism.


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>This isn't true.
bluepilled normoid pathetic cope

>Objectively speaking we do not have a reason to live. The universe doesn't care about us or our reproduction

universe is its laws, retarded normoid

reproductive drive of the living matter is a consequence of those laws

hell, reproductive drive is not even specific to organic matter - non-organic chemical reactions have a reproductive tendency too due to autocatalysis

>You only believe that because you tell yourself that.

more normoid waffling lol

>but, we can choose whether or not we actually give a shit about it or not

nah, you don't have a choice, and you DO care

you may think you don't, sitting there wanking in your abstraction ivory tower that you call your "consciousness", but the moment sexually attractive w*man walks into your vicinity, with her smells, with her sounds, with her movements - the moment those countless chemical reactions in your body cells start firin - your body WILL remind your deluded bluepilled abstract consciousnesses WHO'S THE FUCKING BOSS HERE, and it will FORCE you to *care* about reproduction

>You should practice more stoicism.

your redpilloid stoicism was an official ideology of the Roman Empire

do I need to remind you what happened to it?

imagine clinging to ideology that got btfod by fucking esoteric cults lol

imagine claiming this failed ideology has some kind of a positive message, some kind of "wisdom", when at the end of its road it degraded into fucking incoherent bootlicking nihilism lmao


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>You are making a choice when you choose to elevate sex above everything else in the universe in terms of importance.
this kind of mindset always astonished me

the SHEER delusion of a human mind.. to think that a SINGLE person can resist THOUSANDS OF YEARS of struggling, suffering, dying and reborn, countless-countless times, again and again, living matter


truly, consciousness is a disease of the living matter..


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It's really pathetic that you are so cucked by your own ideology that you're willing to result to petty personal attacks and strawmenninnorder to justify your own inane bitching and self depreciation. This is one thing I really hate about other Marxists is once you become influenced by materialism as a concept you then act as if your mind as now power what so ever. As if you are a deterministic agent of the universe lacking free will.

It's pathetic and it's cuck behavior.

>Reproduction is a law of the universe

Lmfao I don't think you understand what a universal law is.

This is exactly how reactionary rhetoric works. Yes no shit you moron that when a woman walks by her presence influence ls my hormones but you don't see me jumping on her to rape her which is how our behavior would be if your line of reasoning was actually correct but it isn't because we have systems of law and morality to influence our behavior. It's our super ego over coming our id, etc etc.

You have a choice loser.


Again you jlpeople just hear and see what you want to see. At no point did I say that our sexual drive to reproduce wasn't objective. You clearly didn't finish grade school.


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>you're willing to result to petty personal attacks and strawmenninnorder to justify your own inane bitching and self depreciation
I neither bitch nor self-depreciate

Being a deluded bluepiller is what truly self-depreciating!

>This is one thing I really hate about other Marxists is once you become influenced by materialism as a concept you then act as if your mind as now power what so ever.

and I hate philosophycel leftoids that act as if their consciousness is a superpower lol

basic histmat maxim leftoid - men don't make history as they please - you can be impotently butthurt about it all you want

just a dog barking at the sky lol

>Lmfao I don't think you understand what a universal law is.

Ok brainletoid, please do tell me why chemical reactions have a tendency to reproduce, some less, some more?

Must be because of some buttnaked demiurge on a cloud telling atoms to fuck each other lmao
nothing at all to do with the physical laws of our universe, nah

>you don't see me jumping on her to rape her which is how our behavior would be if your line of reasoning was actually correct


LMFAO, that you came to THAT conclusion SPEAKS VOLUMES about YOU

it reminded me of Peterson's take that if God doesn't exists, then everything is allowed kek

>It's our super ego over coming our id, etc etc.

Ok philosophycel lol

where did your "Id" touch you? keeek

also, cool quote, only world wouldn't even notice your "rebellion", as it didn't even notice suffering of the countless living beings as they lived and died before you even had a single conscious thought

you are less than a drop in the bucket, you deluded solipsistic fuck - you are standing on a pile of corpses screaming at the void
just another soon-to-be-corpse


>You're either x or y
>laughing anime gif.jpeg



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Men don't make history as they please but we still make history your moronic faggot.
Jesus christ you people are so stupid.

>it reminded me of Peterson's take that if God doesn't exists, then everything is allowed kek

He's not wrong though the issue is that it's not a bad thing that is the point you miss because you are a pea brained retard.

Also this isn't an actual argument against my position you are just saying "oh wow the fact you said that thing really offends me" because again you are a pea brained retard.

>other people suffer so that means for some reason that we don't have free will.

Bottom text.


So much smirking. So much jabs. So much laughing.

Clearly a massive cope with an internal unresolved crisis.

Let me smile at you.


Based and materialist, not reading the other posts

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