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 No.226[View All]

How do I stop myself wanting a gf so badly that it hurts?
62 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>Sex work is real work!!!!
<Women should be kicked off welfare if they refuse to suck dick for minimum wage


>Prostitution is rape.
t. fat roastie


>Prostitution is rape
At the risk of sounding like some free market fundamentalist conservative, how is prostitution "rape" if you consent to be a prostitute and consent to the male clients ("johns") who pay you for sex? I'm talking here about women who choose to be prostitutes rather than the women who are sex trafficked into it obviously.

As a woman who chooses prostitution, you could just as easily choose to work at a fast food place, department store or any other kind of no-degree required work, even if it pays little, and go to community college part time and apply for food stamps and public health insurance if the financial situation is that bad. As a democratic socialist I'd prefer if all education including university and healthcare was totally free for everybody like the Swedish and Finnish model but unfortunately Americans don't live in such enlightened society. Even still, there's definitely lots of other options for even women in the worst financial position than prostitution.


>At the risk of sounding like some free market fundamentalist conservative, how is prostitution "rape" if you consent to be a prostitute and consent to the male clients ("johns") who pay you for sex?
Well exchange isn't necessarily based on consent. It can be based on economic coercion. Many prostitutes have to rent them self's out for sex services in order to get enough money to survive. In that case it's rape.

Economic precarity is just another mechanism to compel people to do things. In other words they are being forced, and we are not going to pretend that it's consent just because there is a formality like a contract or a transaction. Things are what they are ,no matter how you dress it up.


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so in an ideal case of full employment, where prostitution is a subsidized state service like healthcare - it is not rape, no more coerced than any other activity, you agree?

if you actually do the math, in an ideal socialist society in absence of coercion the least prestigious jobs should be the most paid to attract necessary labor, because prestige and comfort is in itself an attraction factor, ie given equal pay, a "cushion job" is more attractive than cleaning toilets

this also should compel ideal socialist society to automate those jobs to reduce associated labor costs

tho this specific feature of socialism would obviously cause immense butthurt to educated experts (which is actually happened even in the SU) who are naturally by their possession of expertise think that they are entitled to a relative higher share as status symbol first and foremost


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>tho this specific feature of socialism would obviously cause immense butthurt to educated experts (which is actually happened even in the SU) who are naturally by their possession of expertise think that they are entitled to a relative higher share as status symbol first and foremost
contrary to AES states where educated experts were THE political elite, an ideal socialist society faces the other problem here - the problem of experts productivity
being dominated in the political sphere by the simple virtue of being a minority, experts would most likely feel demoralized and demotivated, which is bad for society because of its effects on productivity
after all, those experts were trained by the society for a reason according to some plan

so we face a dilemma here - we can't allow an expert's share to be higher than of some categories of highly demanded lower qualified workers
but at the same time we can't allow an expert's productivity to sink too low because we need his labor to automate those highly demanded lower qualified jobs

solving this dilemma would require widespread use of some moral incentives, which is a tough task in a political system where experts get dominated by commoners..


>solving this dilemma would require widespread use of some moral incentives
or some kind of brainwashing and social conditioning, or maybe even genetic engineering? but I guess that ideal society would not be that "ideal" anymore lol


so the ultimate problem with the experts - their political aspirations that come with the territory

we need to somehow politically "castrate" them without them noticing lol, so it wouldn't have a major demoralizing affect on them


Itt: weirdo losers being weirdo losers


yeah wtf is this lmao. "t. fat roastie" to a basic Marxist take???? you'll say anything to defend your misogyny lmao


>"t. fat roastie" to a basic Marxist take????
show me where Marx rolls out this "basic Marxist take" in Capital roastie


>Furthermore, imagine if women didn't chase successful men. How would natural selection and evolution ever occur in the history of the development of humans (and other species, for that matter.)

Fail to see why I should care about this, it got nothing to do with me or the rest of humans currently lmao, we'll be dead when any "advancements" happen.


Seeing as how you won't be leaving behind children or any sort of legacy, I can understand the despair and frustration.


Having children and legacy doesn't change that.


>Must.. lay.. more.. eggs..
literal bugman

fuck genes, when I die - I'm taking them with me
I will not be used as a tool


>No one will miss me after I'm gone…. And that's a good thing!!


>waaaah!! I need pity from other people waaaa!!
bugman moment

I seriously can't comprehend how bugmen can find meaning in their progeny.
You would think that abstract thinking should modify meaning to be something accordingly abstract, but nah. The sheer number of bugmen that just can't shut up about "muh family" is truly staggering to me.

I'm just THAT different from you bugmen that you all look truly alien to me.


>Pity is the only emotion I can imagine people having when I cross their mind


yeah, ok bugman

whatever copes keep you rolling

just don't expect me to empathize, just like I can't empathize with animals whose only drive is procreation


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>Unironically uses alt right terms
>Doesn't even approximately understand what they mean

Let me help you out


I will use whatever terms I want, bugman

bugs perfectly exemplify, due to their shorter lifespans, a creature whose only meaning is reproduction

insect males literally die after copulation because they have no further purpose kek


We get it. You don't fuck. Good for you.


We get it. You live to fuck. Good for you.


Jeez, with all the time you save, you must have a really awesome life full of accomplishments👍


Bronze Age Mindset by a pseudonym named Bronze Age Pervert is the source for those images


nobody asked, bugman


Great book


Technically I guess you can say i'm MGTOW. It wasn't by choice though, I went on dates, tried to hold relationships, but Covid era pretty much ruined my entire fucking life and I've never recovered, lost my job, lost all my work I progressed towards, lost my life savings, lost my relationship and coming out of covid, out of desperation, I ended up making friends with very bad people (lumpenprole types) who made my life utter hell, I've only been able to "rid" myself of them in the past 6 months and my mental health is rock bottom.
I cannot justify dragging someone else into the nightmare of my life and I just don't care anymore, until I find stability, a better job and a reason to be confident, there is just no fucking way I can justify dating or a relationship.



>muh friends muh relationships!
nobody cares, bugman


Right now, a /pol/ user is balls deep in a latina cutie


Look into r/k selection mating strategies. What you are essential describing is an r selection strategy - one which favors high reproduction rate and low parental care. Certain groups of people tend to trend toward r selection over k selection.


Good for him. Bad for her.


Latinas are the biggest racists.


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Or a child


Literally just stop caring.


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>How do I stop myself wanting a gf so badly that it hurts?
You can't. You are not in control. Never was and never will. You are a puppet. And only in Disney movies does a puppet achieve freedom.

Your whole reason for being born, for being alive - is to reproduce, to make the wheel turn one more time.
There is no escape. People tried many things throughout centuries. Philosophy. Science. Religion. All failed. All - pathetic copes.

We are here to suffer.


And remember. You'll never be a girl's dream. We weren't meant to reproduce. You're not the main character. You're a random npc.


>and hopefully they don't put a Bachelor's tax on you..
Eggy.. there is no hope

they've already laid the theoretical foundations in terms of the reproduction of "social labor"

I call this the unhinged feminoid leftoid dilemma: w*men MUST fuck, but you CAN'T tell w*men who they MUST fuck, that's a big no-no, but you CAN tell incels to pay up for the Chad cock carousel because see the first point - w*men MUST fuck

a way out of this "dilemma" for our unhinged leftoid? obviously FORCE incels to pay up

man, I just CAN'T WAIT to live in that WONDERFUL cybersoycialist utopia of yours, leftoids!


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This isn't true. You only believe that because you buy into the ideology and narrative that says that is your reason for being alive. Objectively speaking we do not have a reason to live. The universe doesn't care about us or our reproduction we are simply the result of billions of years of eutrophic decay. You only believe that because you tell yourself that.

From a biological standpoint sure and yes we cannot change our sex drive, but, we can choose whether or not we actually give a shit about it or not. You are making a choice when you choose to elevate sex above everything else in the universe in terms of importance.

You should practice more stoicism.


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>This isn't true.
bluepilled normoid pathetic cope

>Objectively speaking we do not have a reason to live. The universe doesn't care about us or our reproduction

universe is its laws, retarded normoid

reproductive drive of the living matter is a consequence of those laws

hell, reproductive drive is not even specific to organic matter - non-organic chemical reactions have a reproductive tendency too due to autocatalysis

>You only believe that because you tell yourself that.

more normoid waffling lol

>but, we can choose whether or not we actually give a shit about it or not

nah, you don't have a choice, and you DO care

you may think you don't, sitting there wanking in your abstraction ivory tower that you call your "consciousness", but the moment sexually attractive w*man walks into your vicinity, with her smells, with her sounds, with her movements - the moment those countless chemical reactions in your body cells start firin - your body WILL remind your deluded bluepilled abstract consciousnesses WHO'S THE FUCKING BOSS HERE, and it will FORCE you to *care* about reproduction

>You should practice more stoicism.

your redpilloid stoicism was an official ideology of the Roman Empire

do I need to remind you what happened to it?

imagine clinging to ideology that got btfod by fucking esoteric cults lol

imagine claiming this failed ideology has some kind of a positive message, some kind of "wisdom", when at the end of its road it degraded into fucking incoherent bootlicking nihilism lmao


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>You are making a choice when you choose to elevate sex above everything else in the universe in terms of importance.
this kind of mindset always astonished me

the SHEER delusion of a human mind.. to think that a SINGLE person can resist THOUSANDS OF YEARS of struggling, suffering, dying and reborn, countless-countless times, again and again, living matter


truly, consciousness is a disease of the living matter..


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It's really pathetic that you are so cucked by your own ideology that you're willing to result to petty personal attacks and strawmenninnorder to justify your own inane bitching and self depreciation. This is one thing I really hate about other Marxists is once you become influenced by materialism as a concept you then act as if your mind as now power what so ever. As if you are a deterministic agent of the universe lacking free will.

It's pathetic and it's cuck behavior.

>Reproduction is a law of the universe

Lmfao I don't think you understand what a universal law is.

This is exactly how reactionary rhetoric works. Yes no shit you moron that when a woman walks by her presence influence ls my hormones but you don't see me jumping on her to rape her which is how our behavior would be if your line of reasoning was actually correct but it isn't because we have systems of law and morality to influence our behavior. It's our super ego over coming our id, etc etc.

You have a choice loser.


Again you jlpeople just hear and see what you want to see. At no point did I say that our sexual drive to reproduce wasn't objective. You clearly didn't finish grade school.


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>you're willing to result to petty personal attacks and strawmenninnorder to justify your own inane bitching and self depreciation
I neither bitch nor self-depreciate

Being a deluded bluepiller is what truly self-depreciating!

>This is one thing I really hate about other Marxists is once you become influenced by materialism as a concept you then act as if your mind as now power what so ever.

and I hate philosophycel leftoids that act as if their consciousness is a superpower lol

basic histmat maxim leftoid - men don't make history as they please - you can be impotently butthurt about it all you want

just a dog barking at the sky lol

>Lmfao I don't think you understand what a universal law is.

Ok brainletoid, please do tell me why chemical reactions have a tendency to reproduce, some less, some more?

Must be because of some buttnaked demiurge on a cloud telling atoms to fuck each other lmao
nothing at all to do with the physical laws of our universe, nah

>you don't see me jumping on her to rape her which is how our behavior would be if your line of reasoning was actually correct


LMFAO, that you came to THAT conclusion SPEAKS VOLUMES about YOU

it reminded me of Peterson's take that if God doesn't exists, then everything is allowed kek

>It's our super ego over coming our id, etc etc.

Ok philosophycel lol

where did your "Id" touch you? keeek

also, cool quote, only world wouldn't even notice your "rebellion", as it didn't even notice suffering of the countless living beings as they lived and died before you even had a single conscious thought

you are less than a drop in the bucket, you deluded solipsistic fuck - you are standing on a pile of corpses screaming at the void
just another soon-to-be-corpse


>You're either x or y
>laughing anime gif.jpeg



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Men don't make history as they please but we still make history your moronic faggot.
Jesus christ you people are so stupid.

>it reminded me of Peterson's take that if God doesn't exists, then everything is allowed kek

He's not wrong though the issue is that it's not a bad thing that is the point you miss because you are a pea brained retard.

Also this isn't an actual argument against my position you are just saying "oh wow the fact you said that thing really offends me" because again you are a pea brained retard.

>other people suffer so that means for some reason that we don't have free will.

Bottom text.


So much smirking. So much jabs. So much laughing.

Clearly a massive cope with an internal unresolved crisis.

Let me smile at you.


Based and materialist, not reading the other posts

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